
aardvark怎么读: 音标['ɑ:dvɑ:k]
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◎ aardvark是什么意思

n. 土豚

n. nocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Africa that feeds on termites; sole extant representative of the order Tubulidentata


1. The fattened aardvark is a distant memory.


2. I just picture him snoring that night like a fattened aardvark.

就想到那晚他像一头肥硕的土豚 打呼噜的画面

3. The rest of her family are waiting close to an abandoned aardvark burrow.

家族里的其它成员 都守在一个废弃的食蚁兽洞穴附近

4. A fullgrown aardvark needs to eat about 50,000 termites every day.

一只成年非洲食蚁兽 每天要吃约五万只白蚁
