
begat怎么读: 音标[bi'^æt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ begat是什么意思

v. <废> beget的过去式

v make children


1. That losing my brother begat survivor's guilt which begat compulsive tendencies which results in bottledup anger.

你说失去我哥哥令生者心生内疚 产生*倾向 让我压抑愤怒

2. But that passed with the knowledge that he was begat of a beast.


3. List me, our daughter hath begat the sign of her womanhood.

听我说 我们女儿已经开始成熟了

4. The life of every vampire is linked back to the original who begat the line.

吸血鬼的命都可以追溯到 转化链上的始祖吸血鬼

5. Legend has it he was so ugly, he couldn't find a wife, so he mated with mountains, begat baby rock demons.

传说他长相非常丑陋 因此找不到妻子 所以他只好与山脉交配 诞下岩石魔婴
