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◎ Alex是什么意思

[计] 开放网络文件系统


1. Alex, let's see what you've been up to.

亚历克斯 我们来看看你都在搞些什么

2. Alex, you know I shouldn't be doing this.

亚历克斯 你知道我不该这么做

3. Alex, we are not having this argument again.

亚历克斯 不要再争论这个问题了

4. Alex is back there because of me, what I did.

艾利克斯因为我 因为*的事才困在那里

5. Alex, this is the feed from the garage.

艾丽克丝 这是停车场的监控记录

6. Alex, I looked for you at the funeral.

亚历克斯 葬礼上我一直在找你

7. Alex, there's no reason for you to be involved.

亚历克斯 你没有理由非要横插一脚

8. Alex, there's no evidence of a breakin.

阿莱克斯 没有证据表明有人闯入

9. Alex, I had nothing to do with the teams.

艾丽克丝 我没调换队员

10. Alex would kill me if she knew I was here.

