
glory怎么读: 音标['glɒ:ri]
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◎ glory是什么意思

n. 光荣, 荣耀, 荣誉, 壮丽, 繁荣
vi. 自豪

n. a state of high honor
n. brilliant radiant beauty
v. rejoice proudly


1. There is no glory like the glory of one last battle.


2. Because, for you, it's not about the glory, it's about the job.

因为 对你来说这无关荣耀 而是关于工作

3. I see, so you're doing this for glory.

我明白了 你这么做是为了荣誉

4. She had it all: the glory, the power.

她坐拥一切 荣誉 权力

5. I dishonored it all and didn't notice the glory.

我蔑视一切 忽视了荣耀

6. But on the outskirts is an architectural glory.

但在市郊 伫立着一栋建筑学的杰作

7. so we don't know the glory of his plan.


8. You do all the work, he takes all the glory.

吃苦受罪的是你 功劳却全给他占了

9. And you would just be you in all your inescapable glory.


10. If we win, all the more glory for us.

如果我们赢 将给我们带来更大的荣耀
