
striation怎么读: 音标[stai'eiʃәn]
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◎ striation是什么意思

n. 条纹, 条纹状
[医] 条纹状态; 纹

n any of a number of tiny parallel grooves such as: the scratches left by a glacier on rocks or the streaks or ridges in muscle tissue
n a stripe or stripes of contrasting color


1. The striations are too broad for a knife.

条纹这么宽 应该不是刀具

2. The curved striations are forming a circle in the *.


3. Striations on the round, strike mark on the primer.

子弹周围有擦痕 底漆上有标记

4. There are two layers of striations one has partially remodeled and the other hasn't.

条纹有两层 一层有一部分变形 另一层则没有

5. Note the matching striation marks from the rifled barrel.


6. Striations on the slugs are identical to the ones from each of the crime scenes.

金属上的纹路 和凶案现场的子弹是一致的

7. No, the striations on the medial malleolus indicate his ankles were also bound.

内踝骨上的擦痕 表明他的脚踝也是被绑在一起的

8. Bullet striations show a lefthand twist as it exits the barrel.


9. There are striations that indicate a reciprocating saw was used to sever the head of the femur.

这里的条纹显示凶手使用了一把往复锯 来分离股骨的头部

10. There are also striations on the right clavicle and right fifth sternal rib.

右锁骨和右数第五根胸肋骨 还有横磨纹
