
overawe怎么读: 音标[.әuvәr'ɒ:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ overawe是什么意思

vt. 威慑, 吓服

v. subdue, restrain, or overcome by affecting with a feeling of awe; frighten (as with threats)


1. The gilded reptiles are unable to overawe this expression of public opinion.


2. An object that uses beauty and scale to inflame the imagination, to overawe the senses.

这个物体 用它的壮美与宏伟激发了想象力 震慑你的全部感官

3. I mistook you for a good, honest country girl, and now I see you didn't want to overawe a plain soldier.

我误以为你是位善良诚实的乡下姑娘 现在看来是你不愿吓坏一名小小的士兵
