
shimmering怎么读: 音标['ʃɪmərɪŋ]
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◎ shimmering是什么意思

v. 闪闪发光, 发微光( shimmer的现在分词 )

v shine with a weak or fitful light
v give off a shimmering reflection, as of silk


1. Well, if you do, it is a fading shimmer of what I was.

你看到的 只是曾经的我微弱的余光

2. Gives you this glimpse of something that's shimmering.


3. And to leave that show with just a shimmer in their eyes.


4. Yeah, it's silvery, it'sit's gray with a shimmer.

是的 闪着银光 一种银灰色的粉末

5. Oh, it says they're invisible, but I saw a shimmer.

上面写着他们有隐身能力 但我看到了一片微光

6. So, shimmering aliens and a nonexistent cargo ship.


7. Depicting it not as a black hole but as sheets of shimmering gold.

没有描绘成黑洞 而是一纸金箔

8. the kid hits the shimmer, and then he just sort of collapses.

当那个孩子撞上了闪光后 他就"坍塌"了

9. A seagull flew in and landed, gold shimmer on her wings.

海鸥飞来 栖息于此 羽翼闪烁 金色光芒

10. Yeah, we're talking pixelation, shimmer, degraded images.

是的 像素化 闪光 降质图像
