
tally怎么读: 音标['tæli]
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◎ tally是什么意思

n. 符木, 记账, 得分, 比分, 计数器, 标签, 符合, 对应物
vt. 记录, 点数, 计算, 加标签于, 使符合
vi. 记帐, 符合, 吻合, 记分
[计] 计数

v. keep score, as in games


1. Now, your donations will be recorded and tallied on our handy tally board.

你们的捐款会被记载下来 并显示在我们的便利记录板上

2. We could tally up all our mistakes, but we are where we are.

我们可以一个个细数错误 但情况就是这样

3. We're keeping a tally of who sent what and to whom.


4. We were tallying up all their sins, all their choices.

我们给他们列出罪状 他们所有的选择

5. And when you die, all your sins are tallied up.

在你死的时候 你的罪状就会被列出来

6. Tally and I are doing a whole thing.


7. The votes have been tallied, decision made.

选票已经统计完了 结果要公布了

8. We'll tally up the profanity and deal with it at the end.

我们计算你渎神的次数 最后再来处理

9. We'll tally up the scores and announce a winner.

我们会将比分加总 然后宣布获胜者

10. Our violent crime tally went down too.

