
debilitate怎么读: 音标[di'biliteit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ debilitate是什么意思

vt. 使衰弱

v make weak


1. What? It was too debilitating to treat.

什么 她太衰弱了 没法治疗

2. It debilitates you until it kills you.

让你逐渐衰弱 然后死去

3. it comes with no debilitating side effects.


4. Fear can be both motivating and debilitating.

恐惧既可有激励作用 也可以有削弱作用

5. He's been diagnosed with a debilitating disease, and I don't know what to do.

他被诊断出患有衰竭性疾病 我不知道怎么办

6. Coughing up its own blood, too debilitated to even move.

咳血出来 虚脱得无力动弹

7. The weight of carrying a secret like this, it's debilitating.

像这样背负着一个秘密 非常折磨人

8. Well, spiders, a little. I mean, not debilitating.

我有点怕蜘蛛 不会弱化人那种

9. The impact the pill had on me was completely debilitating and terrifying.

避孕药令我的身体疲惫不堪 也让我心惊胆战

10. Means I'm gonna have a debilitating migraine in about ten minutes.

也就是说不到十分钟我的偏头痛 就要犯了
