
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ Burnham是什么意思

n. (Burnham)人名;(英、西)伯纳姆

n. United States architect who designed the first important skyscraper with a skeleton (1846-1912)


1. Burnham, we can't deviate from the mission.

博翰 我们不能偏离计划

2. Burnham informed me that our jumps are depleting it.

博翰说 我们的跃进一直在消耗水熊虫

3. Burnham. I did not give you permission to leave your station.

博翰 我没有允许你 离开自己的岗位

4. Burnham, I've lost the captain's life sign.

博翰 我收不到舰长的生命迹象

5. Burnham might know more about where he'd be than she realizes. I'll talk to her.

关于他会去的地方 博翰知道的可能比她意识到的多 我会跟她谈
