
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ demonizing是什么意思

vt. 使成为魔鬼(demonize的现在分词形式)

v make into a demon


1. And he turned all his demons my demons against me.

他还让他的恶魔 我的恶魔 与我反目

2. That's not a demon, it's a demon king.

那不是普通恶魔 那可是魔王

3. Demons or no demons, there's no way I'm not helping.

无论有没有恶魔 我都不会袖手旁观

4. A demon is a general commanding legions of lesser demons.

有个魔鬼是将军 指挥好几个军团的小魔鬼

5. You had me pegged from the start, a man damaged by his demons, and those demons are not dormant.

一开始你就说准了 被内心恶魔损害的男人 那些恶魔并没有隐匿

6. Okay. In the future, if there are time demons, tell me about the time demons.

好吧 在将来 如果有时间恶魔 你得跟我说

7. Something that daddy demons threaten toddler demons with to get them to eat their vegetables.

是恶魔爸爸吓唬小恶魔 逼他们吃蔬菜的故事

8. I stayed up all night, going through every book we have on demons, and it turns out we have a lot of books on demons.

我整宿没睡 翻查我们所有恶魔的资料 原来 我们有很多关于恶魔的书

9. You know, maybe if humans weren't so keen on killing witches and demons and such, the witches and demons and such wouldn't be so keen on killing humans.

要是人类不那么热衷于 杀女巫和恶魔之类的 女巫和魔鬼之类的 就不会那么热衷于杀人类

10. But I don't know if I can help you with your demon situation because I haven't been stayin' steady on my demon fightin' skills, is what I'm tryin' to tell you.

但是我不知道是否能帮你处理恶魔 因为我还没有准备好 和恶魔稳扎稳打的功夫 这是我要跟你说的
