
daub怎么读: 音标[dɒ:b]
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◎ daub是什么意思

v. 涂抹, 乱画, 弄脏
n. 污迹, 劣画

n. material used to daub walls
n. an unskillful painting
v. apply to a surface


1. which is marking. I know what daubing is.

就是做记号 我知道焊记什么意思

2. Something daubed on her door last week.

上周 有人在她门上乱涂乱画

3. He decapitated her and daubed the glyph symbol on the walls with her blood.

他砍下她的头 还沾着她的血 在墙上画满了那个符号

4. My mother used to say, if you daub yourself in honey, you'll have plenty of flies.

我母亲以前常说 如果你在身上涂抹蜜糖 就会引来很多苍蝇

5. 14 images daubed directly onto the walls of his home.

十四幅作品 直接涂画在了他家的墙壁上

6. You bang on my front door because you want to daub chicken blood on peasants.

你叩响我的前门 就因为你想往村民身上撒鸡血吗
