
mandibular怎么读: 音标[mæn'dibjulә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ mandibular是什么意思

a. 颚的
[医] 下颌[骨]的

a. relating to the lower jaw


1. You're saying that it wasn't caused by the lampreys when they ate the mandibular muscle.

你是说这不是七鳃鳗在吞食 下颌肌肉时所造成的

2. The wear on the mandibular teeth suggests that she was in her late 20s.

下颌牙齿的磨损程度表明 死者不到三十岁

3. Minimizes risk of a marginal mandibular nerve injury.


4. In both these examples, the mandibular lower incisor is overlapped by the maxillary central incisor.

在这两个案件中 下颌切牙 都被上颚正门齿包住

5. There's an ellipsoid aperture in the mandibular left canine and first premolar, consistent with pipe *oking.

下颌左犬牙除 有个椭圆形的孔 最前一只臼齿 与吸烟斗的习惯吻合

6. Both of the maxilla as well as the mandibular were seemingly separated after the cutis and the subcutaneous tissue were detached evidently with a coarsetoothed saw.

上下颚似乎均在 真皮与皮下组织分开后 被分隔开 用的一定是粗齿锯
