
truant怎么读: 音标['tru:әnt]
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◎ truant是什么意思

n. 懒惰的人, 玩忽职守者, 旷课者
a. 偷懒的, 旷课的, 游荡的
vi. 偷懒, 旷课

n. one who is absent from school without permission
s. absent without permission


1. Wewe were looking for truants. I didn't know you lived here.

我们在找旷课的学生 我不知道你住在这

2. Well, as long as I'm not harboring a truant, come on in.

只要我没有收留一个翘班的人 快进来

3. He skipped school once to be with his girlfriend and got picked up by a truant officer.

有一次他为了和女朋友见面逃课 被训导抓住了

4. Disobedient son, perennial truant, unrepentant flouter of authority.

不听话 长期旷课 不思悔改地嘲弄权威

5. I don't want to tell you how to police your beach, but right now there are truants outside of this hotel, stirring up trouble.

我无意干涉你们管理海滩 但此时此刻有群旷课的学生 在酒店外面兴风作浪
