
snowfall怎么读: 音标['snәufɒ:l]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ snowfall是什么意思

n. 降雪, 降雪量

n precipitation falling from clouds in the form of ice crystals


1. She'd enjoy the snowfall more with an epidural.


2. A confusion of elements, the first snowfall of impossible change.

一切的原理還是未知 看似絕不可能的改變悄然而至

3. I want to establish a base camp in the mountain before the first snowfall.

我要搭建起一座营地 第一场雪前就得在山上盖好

4. We had about 45cm of snowfall this past week, and we're heading into another warmup cycle here.

上周的降雪量大概是四十五厘米 我们将进入另一个升温周期

5. So, as you can see behind me, there's some white dotting the surface and that's actually some snow left after one of our recent snowfalls.

如你所见 在我身后 地表上有一些零零星星的白色 那其实是 最近几次降雪后的残雪

6. And at the same time, another heavy snowfall event will create travel chaos and power outages throughout the district.

同时还将继续引发强降雪 造成交通瘫痪 及整个地区的电力中断
