
sloganeer怎么读: 音标[.slәugә'niә]
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◎ sloganeer是什么意思

vi. 使用标语口号
n. 标语口号作者

n. someone who coins and uses slogans to promote a cause
v. coin new slogans


1. Then forget the slogan and listen to this.

那别管什么口号了 听我一句

2. It's a slogan. It doesn't mean anything.

就是个口号 没什么意义

3. If it'll end this, that's the slogan.

如果能让你闭嘴 广告语就用这个

4. That's not a bad slogan, you can use that.

那是个不错的标语 你可以用用

5. We come up with a slogan for how dangerous the furniture is.


6. It's a silly slogan you like to repeat.


7. Can't imagine the slogans the guy rejected.


8. It's my favorite slogan because it's so simple and elegant.

这是我最爱的口号 因为它既简单又典雅

9. And the slogan on the wall at the insurance office didn't have one.

在保险公司墙上的标语 没有这个点

10. Here, okay, we should use the same slogan I used in mathletes.

听好了哈 我们应该用我做数学竞赛选手时的标语
