
raindrop怎么读: 音标['reindrɒp]
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◎ raindrop是什么意思

n. 雨滴, 雨点

n. a drop of rain


1. Like those raindrops that you mentioned on the phone.

就像你在电话中提到的 雨滴一样

2. Too long I've just been running through the raindrops.


3. When you're this *all, raindrops are like water bombs.

对于这么小的动物 雨滴就像水制炸弹

4. When I was home, I was like a man walking between the raindrops.

我在家的時候 我就像在雨滴中穿梭的人

5. I could dodge those raindrops and never get wet.

我可能万花丛中过 片叶不沾衣

6. The force of the raindrops make it impossible for the ants to hold on.

雨滴落下产生的力量 使蚂蚁难以抓牢

7. So if it's the day after a storm these fields are going to be a raindrop away from a mudslide.

所以如果这是暴风雨之后的一天 那些土地 简直与泥潭无异

8. When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air, they act as a pri* and form a rainbow.

当阳光照到空中的雨滴时 雨滴起到了三棱镜的作用 形成彩虹
