
toluene怎么读: 音标['tɔljui:n]
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◎ toluene是什么意思

n. 甲苯
[化] 甲苯

n. a colorless flammable liquid obtained from petroleum or coal tar; used as a solvent for gums and lacquers and in high-octane fuels


1. The acetone and toluene had to have been poured from a single container.

丙酮和甲苯 一定是从同一个容器中倒出来的

2. Toluene. It's also excellent for cleaning up blood.

甲苯 去除血迹也很有用

3. It's toluene. It's a clear liquid used to clean up oil.

是甲苯 除油污的透明液体

4. These tests confirm that the groundwater is contaminated with benzene, xylene, and toluene.

这些检测证实地下水 受到了苯 二甲苯和甲苯的污染

5. It was toluene and benzene; oxidized paint which just exploded from the cans.

成分是甲苯和苯 氧化漆 是油漆罐爆炸产生的

6. However, there are no other chemical signatures that can connect him to the fire specifically, toluene.

不过 没有其他化学迹象能表明 火是他放的 准确的说 就是没有甲苯

7. Uh, preliminary samples showed traces of benzene, toluene, and sulfuric acid in the soil.

最初的样本土壤里发现了 苯 甲苯和硫酸
