
spar怎么读: 音标[spɑ:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ spar是什么意思

n. 晶石, 圆材, 拳斗, 争论
vt. 装圆材于
vi. 拳斗, 争论

n. any of various nonmetallic minerals (calcite or feldspar) that are light in color and transparent or translucent and cleavable
n. a stout rounded pole of wood or metal used to support rigging
n. making the motions of attack and defense with the fists and arms; a part of training for a boxer
v. furnish with spars


1. I sparred with my father at my coronation, as he sparred with his father before him.

我在加冕仪式时也与我的父亲过招 正如他曾与他的父亲较量一样

2. No way he's more dangerous than my sparring partner.


3. It'll take you a while with a sparring sword.

用那把钝剑 你得砍好一会儿

4. And he was looking for sparring partners, so I signed up.

他想找个对打搭档 我就报名了

5. I'm lookin' out for you 'cause you're my sparring partner.

我关心你 是因为你是我的训练搭档

6. No sparring partners, no camp, no expenses.

你就沒有陪練 沒有訓練營 也沒錢花了

7. Okay, we need a new sparring partner.

好了 看来我们要找一个新的辩论对手了

8. Just a friendly spar with my new amigo.


9. Archie, get in here, I need a sparring partner.

亚奇 上来 我需要一个陪练

10. Well, I'm afraid I'm in no mood for sparring tonight, darling.

恐怕我今晚没心情跟你争吵 亲爱的
