
blinkers怎么读: 音标['bliŋkәs]
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◎ blinkers是什么意思

n. 护目镜, 马眼罩

n a light that flashes on and off; used as a signal or to send messages
n a blinking light on a motor vehicle that indicates the direction in which the vehicle is about to turn
n blind consisting of a leather eyepatch sewn to the side of the halter that prevents a horse from seeing something on either side
v put blinders on (a horse)


1. I can't wear blinkers to the cost of it all.


2. There were eye blinkers and nose twitchers.

有人翻白眼 有人面部抽搐

3. Your blinker's been on for the last 5 miles.


4. It's not my fault no one uses their blinkers anymore.


5. There is an abundance of that hereabout and I would have obsession blinker us to the wider world no longer.

这一带有很多人对此沉迷不已 我将不再放任这种沉迷让我们一叶障目

6. You call us witches, but what is a witch but a person who sits just outside your blinkered view of the world.

你们就叫我们女巫 只要是不入你们狭隘眼光的人 就被你们叫做女巫
