
acclimatized怎么读: 音标[ə'klaimətaiz]
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◎ acclimatized是什么意思

vt. 使适应新环境, 使服水土

v get used to a certain climate


1. Seeing as it is a *all amount, it acclimatizes.

因为量少 它能产生适应

2. Yes, she just needs time to acclimatize to you being here.

是的 她只是需要时间来适应 你在这的事实

3. And you're clearly acclimatized to never getting to the end of a sentence.


4. I've got 15 minutes to acclimatize and pray all my important bits survive.

我有15分钟时间来适应环境 并祈祷我的重要部位都能幸存
