
baboon怎么读: 音标[bә'bu:n]
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◎ baboon是什么意思

n. 狒狒
[医] 狒狒

n. large terrestrial monkeys having doglike muzzles


1. The cheetahs stole the baboons' dinner, and now the baboons are going ape.

猎豹偷走了狒狒的晚餐 结果狒狒发狂[猩猩]

2. I had to duke it out with a bunch of baboons for that sixpack.

为了那六罐啤酒 我还跟一群狒狒干了一架

3. I'm just, how you say, an oiled baboon.

怎么说呢 相比之下我像个上了油狒狒

4. Understand, we are closer to humankind than the bonobo is to a baboon.

这么说吧 我们就像 倭黑猩猩和狒狒那样近似于人类

5. I dress up this baboon to fill in for me when I go to the track.

我把这只狒狒打扮伪装成我 好让我能去赛马

6. I should imagine it's simply a matter of training the baboons.

我认为只要 训练一下狒狒就可以

7. It's all red and puffy like a baboon's arse.

又红又肿 就像狒狒的*

8. You know, I will take you up on that baboon beer.


9. Even heavier than baboons, with which they are often confused.

甚至比狒狒更重 这两种经常被弄混

10. It's baboons, right on either side of the road, look.

是狒狒 道两旁都有 快看
