
adder怎么读: 音标['ædә]
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◎ adder是什么意思

n. 蝰蛇, 猪鼻蛇, 加法器
[计] 加法器

n. a person who adds numbers
n. a machine that adds numbers
n. small terrestrial viper common in northern Eurasia


1. Before the scorpion crawled and the adder hissed.

在蝎子爬行 蝰蛇吐信之前

2. I mean, adders can kill, but rarely.

蝰蛇会杀人 但相当罕见

3. I got tannis root, adder's tongue and catnip, so no.

我这只有塔尼根 蛇须草 和猫薄荷 没你要的芫荽

4. The zoologists, caught up in the endless fascination of an adder's coils.

动物学家 被蟒蛇身上的螺旋纹吸引不已

5. Karmi, I thought you were a value adder, not a rule breaker.

卡米 我以为你是带来价值的 而不是破坏规则的

6. Much cooler than if you chose, say, a puff adder, or a common krait.

这要比你选择吹气蝰或者普通金环蛇 酷炫多了
