
nested怎么读: 音标['nestid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ nested是什么意思

a. 嵌套的
[计] 嵌套的

v inhabit a nest, usually after building
v fit together or fit inside
v move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position
v gather nests


1. If that female charges the nest, and if she hits the nest, she doesn't know whether the nest is open or not.

如果雌鳄向巢穴冲过来 攻击巢穴 它并不知道这个巢穴是否是打开的

2. Since I, I lost my nest, it's kind of a miniature nest for me to hide in.

自从我的"窝"没了 这里就像是我躲避外界的小巢穴

3. And you build up a nest egg, and then they die, and the nest egg is nowhere to be found.

还存了一笔储备金 然后突然就没了

4. This is gonna be a bumblebee nest, basically a nest underground, so you would have roots and a little bits hanging in there.

这就是大黄蜂的巢穴 基本是一个地下巢穴 所以会有植物根须 还有些会悬在这里

5. They clean up the debris at the bottom of the nest and build and repair the nest walls using wax.

它们清理巢穴底部的垃圾 用蜂蜡建造并修补巢穴墙壁

6. Rats build nests to raise their young, so you'd think with this many rats we'd see a bunch of nests.

老鼠都会筑巢养育小老鼠 所以这么多老鼠应该会有很多巢

7. So I'm painting a sparrow in its nest, and I finished painting the nest, and halfway through painting the sparrow, it flies away.

我在画鸟巢里的麻雀 鸟巢我已经画完了 麻雀才画了一半 它飞走了

8. The aliens are defending themselves against a bunch of drunk *s showing up at the nest, and the nest must be inside that warehouse.

外星人们是在抵抗 出现在巢穴的一堆醉鬼 而巢穴肯定在仓库里

9. It's such a shame the kingfishers got their nest raided and I think rats are kind of the perfect size to get in a kingfisher's nest.

翠鸟巢遇袭一事太让人痛惜了 我知道以老鼠的体型大小 能自如钻进翠鸟巢中

10. The moorhens who nested in the tree might have to work hard getting into the branches, but their nest is safe, high above any hunting otters.

在树上筑巢的黑水鸡 回巢时可能要费些力气 可他们的巢安全可靠 水獭够不到这么高的地方
