
borderer怎么读: 音标['bɒ:dәrә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ borderer是什么意思

n. 边境居民

n. an inhabitant of a border area (especially the border between Scotland and England)


1. When you've lived in a place where borders have no meaning, borders come to mean a great deal.

当你经历过一个国界已无意义的年代 国界对你而言便愈发重要

2. And the border police suspect that these girls' parents were murdered for something they were trying to *uggle over the border.

边境警察怀疑 这些女孩的父母由于试图将某种东西 *出境而遭杀害

3. Competition across time, going one better than the ancients, but competition across borders, too, even when those borders divided warring cultures.

不仅是纵向时间上 和古代的竞争 也是横向国家之间的竞争 甚至是那些文化互不相容的国家

4. They carried on as if there was no border at all.

他们视边界线如无物 只管向前冲

5. But we don't have to hassle with the border.


6. the border between my country and his.

The coal resources straddle

7. Then there's the thermalimaging scanners at the border.


8. And our future is on the other side of the border.


9. And here and here along the western border.

以及西部边境的这里 还有这里

10. My guys took it off of him at the border.

