
unselfishness怎么读: 音标[ʌn'selfɪʃnəs]
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◎ unselfishness是什么意思

n. 不自私, 慷慨

n. the quality of not putting yourself first but being willing to give your time or money or effort etc. for others


1. If only all mothers were this unselfish.


2. He was thoughtful and caring and very unselfish in bed.

他体贴细心 在床上可为我着想了

3. It was the most unselfish thing he's ever done.


4. Which makes it strange that people keep being unselfish.

但人们却总是无私 这就很奇怪了

5. He was *art, he was funny, he was kind, he was unselfish, and he was loyal.

他聪明 幽默 善良 无私 忠诚

6. And he is a totally unselfish, gentle, giving human being.

是无私 温柔以及乐于助人的

7. Oh, so it's your unselfish desire to help your fellow man.


8. People always talk about how love is this totally unselfish, giving thing.

人们总是说爱是 如何的无私奉献

9. II thought you were helping me because we were friends, but you somehow made an unselfish act selfish.

我以为你是念在我们的友谊而帮助我 但你却让无私的行为变得自私
