
sweatshop怎么读: 音标['swet,ʃɔp]
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◎ sweatshop是什么意思

n. 血汗工厂

n. factory where workers do piecework for poor pay and are prevented from forming unions; common in the clothing industry


1. Out of the kitchen, into the sweatshop.

离开厨房 进了血汗工厂

2. That you tipped her off to clear out the sweatshop.

是你走漏消息给她 清空血汗工厂

3. I'm sewing away like a cambodian sweatshop.


4. A sweatshop foreman is desperate to improve his margins.


5. Talks city corruptions, sweatshops, nothing on us.

讲的都是市政*血汗工厂 没提我们

6. And I wouldn't want one, either, if I owned a string of sweatshops.

如果我拥有这么多血汗工厂的话 我肯定也不想被查到

7. And they don't love me because I'm a synthetic monokini made in a factory by a sweatshop baby.

他们不喜欢我是因为我的合成纤维比基尼 是血汗工厂里的童工制作的

8. Oh, if he sees ya, he'llhe'll take you to work in his sweatshop.

如果被他看见 你们就会被抓去他的血汗工厂当劳工

9. I figure it must be some kind of underground sweatshop whorehouse, maybe.

我觉得可能是什么地下血汗工厂 可能是妓院

10. Because he ordered roses using a cell phone that was made in a sweatshop.

