
overhaul怎么读: 音标[.әuvә'hɒ:l]
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◎ overhaul是什么意思

vt. 分解检查, 翻修, 精细检查, 彻底革新
n. 分解检查, 精细检查, 大检修

n. periodic maintenance on a car or machine
v. make repairs, renovations, revisions or adjustments to


1. The system need to be tweaked, not overhauled.

这个体系需要调整 而不是推倒重建

2. Aaron's asked us to overhaul our protocol.


3. Okay, let's get back in there to help them overhaul.

好 那我们回去检查一遍

4. Wiring on this bucket really needs an overhaul.


5. All right, 51, let's get ready for overhaul.

好 51号水罐车 准备灭火

6. Formalities aside, this is the start of a major overhaul.

不打官腔了 乌鸦要经历一次大换血

7. It's the retrofit proposal to overhaul this bucket before it breaks apart.

一份翻新飞船的提案 在它四分五裂之前 彻底大修一次

8. ...beginning of a major overhaul in the water delivery system.


9. To be honest, I'm worried the whole system's going to need an overhaul.

老实说 我担心 整个部门都需要进行一次彻底整改

10. I gave it a complete overhaul and retrofitted it with a relay lens system.

我把它全部拆开 加上继电透镜系统后又重新组装在一起
