
bathing怎么读: 音标['beiðiŋ]
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◎ bathing是什么意思

n. 游泳, 洗海水澡

n. immersing the body in water or sunshine


1. We've got a mud bath, a sound bath, a lotta group baths.

我们准备了泥浆浴 音浴 很多集体浴

2. The bathing thing with her was never about bathing.

对她来说 洗澡永远不是目的

3. Of course I'd have to bathe in a bathing suit.


4. Doesn't bathe because bathing is what his parents want.

不洗澡 因为他父母老让他洗澡

5. It's much more a bath mayonnaise than a bath milk.


6. and then you go straight to your bath. I don't want a bath.

然后直接去洗澡[英式口音] 我不想洗造[美式口音]

7. My hurt is like a warm bath that you bathe in.

我受的伤害就像是 你能沐浴其中的热水澡

8. So she got out of the bath to get the bubble bath.


9. Chemical bath on the left, water bath on the right.

化学洗剂放左边 水放右边

10. Sponge bath after sponge bath, the lines blurred.

一次一次擦身浴后 界限模糊起来
