
heartsick怎么读: 音标['hɑ:tsik]
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◎ heartsick是什么意思

a. 悲痛的, 苦恼的

s full of sorrow
s without or almost without hope


1. And I'm just so heartsick that these are my last hours with him.

这将是我跟它共度的最后几小时 我心如刀绞

2. A heartsick mother and a bitter indictment of this administration.

这是一个悲痛的母亲 和她对政府的控诉

3. It makes me heartsick to see ye troubled so.

看你如此烦恼 我很心疼

4. So, the lady of the town is on her deathbed and the heartsick heiress has taken to her bedroom.

這么說 這個鎮子的女主人已經病入膏肓 悲痛的女繼承人被帶到了她的臥室

5. Just go in there, act all heartsick, and tell her you want to have high tea.

赶紧进去 装着心里难受 告诉她你想喝下午茶
