
nadine怎么读: 音标[nei'di:n]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ nadine是什么意思

n. 纳丁(女子名)


1. Nadine, I came to tell you I had you investigated.

纳丁 我来是想告诉你 我调查了你

2. Nadine, I'll set the priorities, thank you.

纳丁 事情的主次我来定 谢谢你

3. Nadine, I'm looking at his official schedule.

纳丁 我正盯着官方行程记录呢

4. Nadine, I can't look at any more security footage.

纳丁 我看监控录像快看吐了

5. Nadine tells me I have a very full schedule today.


6. Nadine's company is enjoined from performing the piece.


7. Nadine, you got two headed your way.

纳丁 有两个朝你那边来了

8. Nadine fainted while jogging a few hours ago.


9. Nadine, I don't know if you've figured this out yet, but we're in the containment business.

纳丁 不知道你想明白没有 但我们是个秘密组织

10. Nadine was recently diagnosed with moyamoya and had a cerebral bypass.

娜丁最近被确诊有烟雾病 并做了脑血管搭桥术
