
otherworldly怎么读: 音标['ʌðә'wә:ldli]
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◎ otherworldly是什么意思

a. 来世的, 阴间的, 空想的, 超自然的

s existing outside of or not in accordance with nature


1. But this, this is some otherworld lowness.

但这个 这是超出底线的卑鄙

2. And when that happens, it's sort of otherworldly.

这个时候 就有点超脱尘世了

3. There is definitely an otherworldly presence in this basement.

这间地下室 绝对有个异界幽灵

4. The speed in this is otherworldly, because it's achieved so silently.

它的速度简直超脱尘世 因为车子加速的时候根本没有声音

5. I can't even describe to you what came out of me, but it was... otherworldly.

我都没办法和你们描述我拉出来的是什么玩意 但它... 诡异极了

6. The icon of total war, otherworldly, hypermodern.

它是绝对战争的象征物 是超世俗的 超现代的

7. To be amongst our own kind and away from the infidels of the otherworlds.

远离他乡的异教者 回归信众之中 实为神佑

8. I feel like I'm in the presence of something otherworldly.


9. I feel like I am in the presence of something otherworldly.


10. Evil started when someone opened an otherworldly door.

