
reanimation怎么读: 音标[.ri:æni'meiʃәn]
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◎ reanimation是什么意思

n. 复活, 鼓舞, 鼓励

n. The act or operation of reanimating, or the state of
being reanimated; reinvigoration; revival.


1. Eviscerate it, so that it may not be reanimated.

把内脏切除 让它无法复活

2. You're not the only one that can reanimate a corpse.


3. She wouldn't want to reanimate a woman she hated.


4. For all intents and purposes, they are reanimated corpses.

不管怎么说 他们可是复活的尸体啊

5. I'm now ready to commence the reanimation experiment.


6. But the reanimation should take another 12 hours.


7. Reanimated and all jacked up, just like those ants.

恢复了活力 全都抬起头[隆起]来 像那些蚂蚁一样

8. In fact, before we reanimate our men, you have to choose one of these outfits.

实际上 在我们让男人们复活之前 你们必须替他们选一下衣服

9. That there is a long, dark tunnel full of reanimated corpses.

那可是一条漫长幽暗的隧道 里面有无数蠢蠢欲动的行尸

10. Seems someone has solved the problem of postcryonic reanimation.

看来有人解决了 人体冷冻复苏的难题
