
Dutch怎么读: 音标[dʌtʃ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ Dutch是什么意思

n. 荷兰人, 荷兰语
a. 荷兰的

n. the people of the Netherlands
n. the West Germanic language of the Netherlands
a. of or relating to the Netherlands or its people or culture


1. Dutch, with me. I'm not changing my mind.

妲奇 跟我来 我没改变心意

2. Dutch *oke can't be much better than this.


3. Dutch... It's swallowed and latches onto the guts.

妲奇 被吞下后 它便附着在大肠壁上

4. I know. I also taught him how to dutch oven.

是啊 我还教了他蒙被子放屁

5. When the check came, he wanted to go dutch.

买单的时候 他想要AA

6. Well, we can go dutch, if that's what you're worried about.

我们可以AA制 如果你是担心这个

7. Dutch will activate the device, incapacitating him.

达齐就启动装置 让他动弹不得

8. No, the tradition is that we go dutch, unless you forgot.

不 传统是我们AA制 除非你忘了

9. Dutch, we need to get to ground, now.

妲奇 我们得赶紧上去了

10. Dutch was right, you're a liability right now.

妲奇是对的 你现在是个累赘
