
relationship怎么读: 音标[ri'leiʃәnʃip]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ relationship是什么意思

n. 关系, 关联
[医] 关系

n. a relation between people; (`relationship' is often used where `relation' would serve, as in `the relationship between inflation and unemployment', but the preferred usage of `relationship' is for human relations or states of relatedness)
n. a state of connectedness between people (especially an emotional connection)
n. a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries


1. But I was in a relationship, a longterm relationship.

但是我是谈恋爱的 长期稳定的恋爱

2. We have all this relationship drama, and we're not even in a relationship.

虽然我们的关系如同恋爱那般大起大落 但我们根本没有在谈恋爱

3. You're recklessly jeopardizing that relationship, their relationship.

你这样是不顾后果地危及了这段关系 他们与她的关系

4. We didn't want our relationship to affect your relationship.


5. In bed is in bed, a relationship is a relationship.

*是一回事 恋情是另一回事

6. And you're in this healthy relationship now, and whenever women are in relationships, their sole purpose in life becomes about finding relationships for other people.

你现在跟男朋友关系稳定了 一旦女人这样之后 她们人生的唯一目标就变成了 帮其他人牵线搭桥

7. Don't let our relationship fool you into thinking we have a relationship.

别因为我们的关系而误以为 我们有什么关系

8. In the end, your relationship became a threat to their relationship with him.

最终 你们的关系会威胁到 他们和他的关系

9. I'd describe our relationship as like a brotherandsister relationship.

我认为我们的关系 就像兄妹间的手足之情

10. I've never had any illusions about the nature of this relationship of our relationship.

对于这份关系的实质 我们之间的关系 我从不抱有幻想
