
jon怎么读: 音标[dʒɔn]
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◎ jon是什么意思

n. 乔恩(男子名)


1. Jon is not here. I haven't heard from him in weeks.

琼恩不在这里 我好几周没听到他的消息了

2. Jon and I are getting a divorce, so to speak.

乔恩和我要离婚了 可以这么说

3. Jon, I was hoping to tell you this in private.

喬恩 我本來想單獨告訴你的

4. Jon killed them, and he got away with it.

乔恩杀了他们 逃脱了法律的制裁

5. Jon's got everything in the other room.


6. Jon, please don't tell me what I know.

乔恩 请不要对我妄自揣测

7. Jon, I need you to take me somewhere.

乔恩 我需要你带我去个地方

8. Jon told me that your shift ends soon.


9. Jon's the one to lead the fight against the dead.


10. Jon was working with it the last time we were in the lab and I didn't react at all.

喬恩上次研究它的時候 我們在實驗室里 但我那時毫無反應
