
litany怎么读: 音标['litәni]
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◎ litany是什么意思

n. 连祷, 连续

n. any long and tedious address or recital
n. a prayer consisting of a series of invocations by the priest with responses from the congregation


1. What else? I can give you the litany.

还有什么病? 我可以给你列表啊

2. I couldn't help noticing that this place is subject to a litany of complaints from the neighbors.

我不禁发现这家酒吧 收到了邻里提出的 一系列投诉

3. I'd offer to accompany you myself but I fear my fragile ego could not endure the litany of insult.

我可以陪同啊 但我害怕脆弱的我 忍受不了冗长的羞辱

4. The motion hearings this morning on a litany of issues that have already gone before the jury.

今天上午的动议聆讯是关于 陪审团早已有既成印象的一些问题

5. It'll be fun to take you back to the lab for a litany of invasive exploratory procedures.

把你帶回實驗室 進行一系列有創的探索性手術會很有趣的

6. Reciting a litany of devastating critici*s of the country, including gangs, drugs, crime, poverty, and unemployment.

他列举了一系列骇人的评论 包括黑帮 * 犯罪 贫穷 以及失业

7. 豪尔赫·卡斯蒂洛 on a litany of charges, including wiretapping, bribery, securities fraud, tax evasion, and firstdegree murder.

心宿二首席执行官被联调局逮捕 逮捕了百万富翁豪尔赫·卡斯蒂洛 罪名包括* 贿赂 安全欺诈 逃税 和一级谋杀

8. No amusements but for the litany of secrets drifting up from the *oky room down the hall, where the most important men in the city whisper and plot.

没有娱乐活动只有走廊尽头充满烟味的房间里 传出的一连串秘密 在那里 这座城市最重要的人窃窃私语进行密谋

9. I have to let a litany of underachievers know they'd best be advised to cut their losses and learn a trade, something that utilizes their backs instead of their brains.

我得让一些后进生明白 他们最好看清现实 学点实用的 脚踏实地 而不是成天空想
