
turbulent怎么读: 音标['tә:bjulәnt]
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◎ turbulent是什么意思

a. 狂暴的, 骚乱的, 紊乱的

s characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination
s (of a liquid) agitated vigorously; in a state of turbulence


1. We ran into some turbulence, some pretty bad turbulence 'cause we were flying so low.

我们卷入了乱流 情况很严重 因为我们飞得很慢

2. But my life's been it's been turbulent.

但我的生活 曾经骚动不安

3. But, on the plus side, it's not turbulence.

往好的方面想 不是紊流造成的颠簸

4. I was in a really turbulent relationship.


5. We've shared some turbulent times, you and I.


6. You've got to see it during turbulence.


7. There's too much turbulence, even for a gecko.

即便对于一只壁虎 气流的湍动也过于剧烈

8. There was crazy turbulence on the flight back.

回程的路上 飞机碰上了强气流真是可怕

9. It's just turbulence, it's nothing to worry about.

只是气流而已 没什么好担心的

10. Folks, we're gonna be having some mild turbulence.

乘客们 我们将有点轻微的颠簸
