
Lebanon怎么读: 音标['lebәnәn]
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◎ Lebanon是什么意思

n. 黎巴嫩

n. an Asian republic at east end of Mediterranean


1. Lebanon has been a haven of relative calm, even though it's another country with a history of religious and ethnic division.

使得黎巴嫩成了相对平静的避风港 尽管这个国家也拥有悠久的 宗教历史与种族分歧

2. Lebanon is a *all country but it's a real melting pot of something like 18 different sects and religions, all living together.

黎巴嫩国土面积虽小 却是包含着十八种教派和宗教的大熔炉 共同生存在这片土地上
