
khan怎么读: 音标[kɑ:n]
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◎ khan是什么意思

n. 可汗, 商队宿店

n. a title given to rulers or other important people in Asian countries


1. Khan is a treasure trove of intelligence.


2. Khan went searching for answers that you wouldn't provide.


3. A large number of khans survive in the old city.


4. A khan is a warehouse which also included accommodation offices for merchants.

商栈就是一间仓库 其中包括商人的管理办公室

5. Khan may have lured his old friend there to take revenge.

可汗可能是把老朋友引到這里 趁機報仇

6. Khan has set up in this area because he is banking on the fact that we won't risk going in.

可汗已在此建立基地 因为他坚信我们不会冒险插手

7. Well, if you did, maybe you wouldn't be choking down a damn khan worm right now.

假如你真让我们那么做了 你现在也不会咽下去一只肉虫王了

8. Khan began turning on and activating terrorist cells within nonextremist groups.

可汗开始煽动和发展 非极端群体里的恐怖组织

9. You can ask from every prince, under the authority of the khan: horse, title and equipment.

在可汗的权威下 你可以凌驾于任何王子之上 你可以得到他们的马 头衔 还有武器
