例句 AGREE1 to have the same opinion as someone else2 to agree to someone else's plan or suggestion3 when everyone agrees on a decision, plan etc4 to finish making a business agreement or plan5 to agree by accepting less than you originally wanted6 something that has been agreed7 when people have the same opinion about somethingRELATED WORDSoppositeDISAGREEsee alsoACCEPTLET/ALLOWTHINKYES1 to have the same opinion as someone else 与别人有同样的看法 agree /əˈgriː/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive] to have the same opinion 意见一致,同意,赞同 I think it's too expensive. Do you agree? 我觉得太贵了,你同意吗? ‘Yes, I'm sure you're right,’ agreed Tony. “对,我肯定你是对的。”托尼同意道。agree with Mr Johnson thinks it's too risky, and I tend to agree with him. 约翰逊先生认为这太冒险了,我也倾向于他的看法。 Lee agreed with Jackson that more opportunities should be created for minorities in film . 李同意杰克逊的观点,认为电影行业应该为少数族裔创造更多的机会。agree that Most experts agree that drugs like heroin can cause permanent brain damage. 多数专家认为,海洛因之类的毒品可对大脑造成永久性的损伤。agree on/about I agree with you about the color -- it looks awful. 我同意你对这颜色的看法—这看上去太糟了。 The one thing all the parties agreed on was the need for fair elections. 各党派唯—一致的地方是要公平竞选。I quite agree British I agree completely 【英】我很同意 Yes, I quite agree. Why should poor people pay so much tax? 是的,我完全同意。为什么穷人要交那么多税?I couldn't agree more I agree completely 我完全同意 ‘I wish it was time to go home.’ ‘I couldn't agree more.’ “我好希望现在能回家啊。”“一点不错。” be in agreement /biː ɪn əˈgriːmənt/ [verb phrase] formal if people are in agreement, they have the same opinion about something, especially after discussing it a lot and trying to agree 【正式】意见一致〔尤经反复讨论之后〕 No decision can be made until everyone is in agreement. 直到大家都同意了之后才能作出决定。be in agreement on The two sides are in agreement on the need for arms reduction. 双方在有必要裁军的问题上意见一致。be in agreement with I found myself in agreement with the lawyer, for once. 就这一回,我发现自己和律师想法一样。 be of the same opinion /biː əv ðə ˌseɪm əˈpɪnjən/ [verb phrase] formal to have the same opinion as someone on a particular subject 【正式】意见一致 Both teachers were of the same opinion -- she should be expelled from school immediately. 两位老师都一致认为应该立即把她从学校里开除出去。 Mrs Ford clearly disapproved, and her sister appeared to be of the same opinion. 福特夫人明确表示不赞成,她姐姐的意见看来也和她一样。 share the view that /ˌʃeəʳ ðə ˈvjuː ðət/ [verb phrase not in progressive] formal to have the same opinion as someone, especially about something important, in politics, business, science etc 【正式】同样有…的观点,同样认为 I share the view that peace can only be achieved through dialogue. 我也认为,只有通过对话才能实现和平。share somebody's view Many people shared Duvald's view, and thought the plan should be stopped. 许多人与杜瓦尔德持相同的观点,认为应该停止这个计划。share this/that view This view is shared by many doctors. 这个观点得到许多医生的认同。 subscribe to /səbˈskraɪb tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb not in progressive] to have the same opinion or belief as a lot of other people 同意,赞同〔许多人的共同观点或信念〕 She has always subscribed to the view that children should be given responsibility from an early age. 她一向都赞同这个观点,认为应该让孩子从小就承担责任。 There is a business philosophy I subscribe to, which says that if you are not making mistakes, you are not doing it right. 有一种经商哲学我很赞同,它说,如果你不犯错误就成不了事。 concur /kənˈkɜːʳ/ [intransitive verb not in progressive] formal to say that you have the same opinion as someone else 【正式】同意,赞同 ‘My opinion exactly’, he concurred. “这正是我的意见。”他同意道。concur with He resigned three years later, because he did not concur with the division of the country into separate republics. 三年以后他辞去职务,因为他不同意将国家分裂成一些独立的共和国。2 to agree to someone else's plan or suggestion 同意别人的计划或建议 agree /əˈgriː/ [intransitive verb not in progressive] to say yes to someone else's plan or suggestion 同意,赞成〔别人的计划或建议〕 Charles suggested going for a picnic, and we all agreed. 查尔斯建议去野餐,我们大家都赞成。 The project can't go ahead until the finance committee agrees. 这个项目要等财政委员会同意了才可进行。agree to The Council of Ministers would never agree to such a plan. 部长会议是决不会同意这种计划的。 Few people expect the rebels to agree to the peace plan. 没有几个人指望叛军会同意这个和平计划。agree wholeheartedly agree completely and very willingly 全心全意地赞同 When I proposed that in future we should hold our meetings in the bar, the others agreed wholeheartedly. 我提议今后在酒吧开会,其他人都非常同意。 go along with /ˌgəʊ əˈlɒŋ wɪðǁ-əˈlɔːŋ-/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive] to agree with someone else's plan or suggestion, even if you are not sure if it is the right thing to do 同意,赞同〔别人的计划或建议,即使不确定是不是正确〕 We went along with Eva's idea, since no one could think of a better one. 我们同意了伊娃的办法,因为没有人能想出更好的主意来。 Usually it was easier just to go along with him, rather than risk an argument. 通常是附和他比较简单,免得引起争执。 The bank decided to go along with our proposal and lent us the two million pounds we needed. 银行决定接受我们的提议,把我们所需的两百万英镑借给我们。 fall in with /ˌfɔːl ˈɪn wɪð/ [transitive verb not in passive] British to accept someone's plan or suggestion and do what they want you to do 【英】依从,接受,赞成〔某人的计划或建议并按其要求去做〕 She expects her friends to fall in with everything she wants to do. 她希望朋友们事事都能依着她。 He was irritated by her refusal to fall in with his plans. 她拒绝接受他的计划,他因此很恼火。 go with /ˈgəʊ wɪð/ [transitive verb not in passive] American to accept someone's plan or suggestion 【美】同意接受〔某人的计划或建议〕 We considered all the options and decided to go with John's original proposal. 我们考虑了所有可能的办法,决定采用约翰原来的提议。3 when everyone agrees on a decision, plan etc 人人都同意某个决定、计划等 agree /əˈgriː/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive] if two or more people agree, they reach a decision about what to do, and they are all satisfied with it 商定,达成协议 Ultimately the two sides could not agree, and negotiations were abandoned. 最后双方不能达成协议,谈判天折了。agree on We've finally agreed on a date for the party. 我们终于商定了聚会的日期。agree to do something They agreed to meet up later in the week. 他们约定这个星期稍后再聚。agree that Finally, after some tough negotiating, it was agreed that the workforce would be reduced by 10%. 经过几次艰难的谈判,最后商定要裁掉10%的工人。agree a price/plan/strategy etc After a few minutes’ discussion we had agreed a price and the car was mine. 我们商量了几分钟,谈好价格,汽车就归我了。the agreed price/date/figure etc We refused to pay because the goods were not delivered by the agreed date. 我们拒绝付款,因为他们没有按约定日期交货。it is agreed a group of people have agreed about something 一致同意 It was agreed that the price should be fixed at $200. 一致同意价格应定在200美元。we are (all) agreed say this when everyone in a group has agreed about something 我们〔都〕一致同意 Right then, are we all agreed? 好了,大家都同意了吗? reach agreement/come to an agreement /ˌriːtʃ əˈgriːmənt, ˌkʌm tʊ ən əˈgriːmənt/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to finally agree on something, by discussing it until everyone is satisfied with the decision 〔经商讨〕达成协议 After two years of talks, the Russians and the Americans finally reached an agreement. 经过两年的会谈,俄罗斯和美国终于达成了协议。reach agreement/come to an agreement with We are determined to reach agreement with the IMF before the end of the year. 我们决心要在年底前与国际货币基金组织达成协议。 Danvers had come to a private agreement with the owners of the land which secured his right to purchase it. 丹弗斯私下里跟这块地的所有人达成了协议,保障他对这块地的购买权。reach agreement/come to an agreement on After a week of talks, Britain and Iceland reached agreement on fishing limits. 经过一星期的会谈,英国和冰岛就捕鱼的限制达成协议。come to some agreement find a way to agree 达成某种协议 If you can't pay all the money now, I'm sure we can come to some agreement. 要是你现在不能一次付清,我想我们可以商量个什么办法。 make a deal also do a deal British /cut a deal American /ˌmeɪk ə ˈdiːl, ˌduː ə ˈdiːl, ˌkʌt ə ˈdiːl/ [verb phrase] to make an agreement with someone so that you get what you want, and they get what they want 〔为达到各自的目的〕达成协议;做成交易 If he's willing to argue about the price, then he must want to do a deal. 如果他愿意谈价钱,那么他是想做成这笔生意的。make a deal with The government denied making a deal with the kidnappers. 政府拒绝与绑匪做交易。 He looked at me suspiciously. ‘Have you made a deal with them?’ 他怀疑地看着我,“你是否跟他们有什么交易?” The administration is showing a willingness to cut a deal with Congress on gun-control legislation. 政府表示愿意与国会就枪支管制立法问题达成协议。 strike/make a bargain /ˌstraɪk, ˌmeɪk ə ˈbɑːʳgn/ [verb phrase] to agree to do something for someone else if they will do something for you 〔有条件地〕订约,达成协议 Let's make a bargain. I'll tell you what you want to know provided you don't breathe a word of it to anyone else. 我们就这样讲定吧,如果你不向别人透露一个字,我就把你想知道的事告诉你。strike/make a bargain with Eventually she struck a bargain with him. She would get him a job if he would help her with her singing. 最后他们讲好条件,他如果教她唱歌,她就为他找份工作。strike/make a bargain that They made a bargain that they would stick together no matter what. 他们讲好了不管发生什么事都要团结一致。4 to finish making a business agreement or plan 定下生意上的协议或计划 settle /ˈsetl/ [transitive verb] In the end we settled the deal on very favorable terms. 最后我们以非常有利的条件谈成了生意。 So that settles it. We'll pay you half the purchase price now, and the rest over two years. 那就这么定了,我们现在付给你售价的一半,其余的两年内付清。 We talked to the carpenter to settle plans for the expansion of the restaurant. 我们和木匠商量,定下扩建饭店的计划。 conclude /kənˈkluːd/ [transitive verb] conclude a deal/treaty/agreement successfully finish an agreement, especially one that is important and involves a large number of people 达成交易/缔结条约/签订协议 The British car industry has just concluded a deal with the Japanese government. 英国汽车工业刚与日本政府谈成一笔生意。 European governments are trying to conclude a treaty to ban certain atmospheric tests. 欧洲各国政府正在设法缔结条约,禁止某些大气试验。 conclusion /kənˈkluːʒən/ [uncountable noun] The future of the prisoners will be decided on the conclusion of the armistice when the armistice is concluded. 战俘的未来将取决于停战协定的达成。 wrap up /ˌræp ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] informal to finish a meeting, a business agreement, or a plan by settling everything quickly in a satisfactory way 【非正式】〔圆满地〕结束,完成〔会议、生意上的协定或计划〕 wrap up something If they accept our price we can wrap up the deal right away. 如果他们接受我们的价格,我们可以马上成交。wrap something/it/them up I want to wrap this meeting up as quickly as possible. I have another appointment in an hour. 我想尽快结束这个会议,我一小时后还有一个约会。 sew up /ˌsəʊ ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] informal to settle a business agreement or plan in a satisfactory way, especially in a way that is favourable to you 【非正式】订好,解决〔生意上的协议或计划,尤指条件对自己有利〕 sew something/it/them up I called the real estate agent. The contract's been sewn up, and we can move into the apartment next week. 我给房产经纪人打过电话了,合同已经订好,我们下星期就可以搬进公寓住了。sew something up Bob reckons he can sew up the deal quite quickly but I'm not so sure. 鲍勃认为他很快就能谈成这笔生意,可是我没有把握。 finalize also finalise British /ˈfaɪnəl-aɪz/ [transitive verb] to do the last things that are necessary in order to settle an agreement, plan, or arrangement in a satisfactory way 最后定下,使最后确定 Mr Samuels is flying to Detroit to finalize the details and sign the contract. 塞缪尔斯先生将飞去底特律确定细节,签订合同。 Don't proceed any further with any plans or finalize any arrangements until you have proper authority. 如果你没有适当的权力,就不要进行任何计划,也不要定下任何安排。 close a deal /ˌkləʊz ə ˈdiːl/ [verb phrase] to finish making a business agreement, especially where a large amount of money is involved 做成生意〔尤指涉及大笔金额的生意〕 The oil company has just succeeded in closing a deal for the land. 石油公司刚刚完成了一笔土地交易。5 to agree by accepting less than you originally wanted 同意作出让步 compromise /ˈkɒmprəmaɪzǁˈkɑːm-/ [intransitive verb] to reach an agreement with someone in which both of you accept less than you really want 妥协,让步 The employers will have to be ready to compromise if they want to avoid a strike. 雇主若想避免罢工,就得作好让步的准备。 Critics accused the mayor of compromising too easily. 批评人士指责市长太容易妥协。compromise on Stalin refused to compromise on any of his demands. 斯大林对于自己提出的要求绝不妥协。 The President might be willing to compromise on defense spending. 总统在国防开支问题上或许会愿意让步。 meet somebody halfway /ˌmiːt somebody hɑːfˈweɪǁ-hæf-/ [verb phrase] to do or pay part of what the other person in an agreement wants if they will do or pay part of what you want 与某人妥协,迁就某人 Democrats plan to meet the Governor halfway on welfare cuts. 民主党打算在削减福利问题上向州长退让一步。 They won't pay all our expenses, but they might be prepared to meet us halfway. 他们不会支付我们的全部开销,但可能会愿意支付一部分。 make concessions /ˌmeɪk kənˈseʃənz/ [verb phrase] if someone in authority makes concessions, they let their opponents have something that they are asking for, in order to reach an agreement 〔掌权者为了和对手达成协议而〕作出让步 We will have to make concessions if we want the talks to continue. 我们如果想要让会谈继续进行,就得作出让步。make concessions on The government has already made significant concessions on pay and conditions. 在工资待遇和工作条件上,政府已经作了很大的让步。make concessions to Our policy of not making concessions to terrorists remains intact . 我们不向恐怖分子妥协的政策依然不变。6 something that has been agreed 协议 agreement /əˈgriːmənt/ [countable noun] an arrangement that is made when two or more people, countries, or organizations agree to do something 协定,协议;契约 Eventually all the parties signed the agreement. 最后各方都在协议上签了字。agreement on Congress could not come up with an agreement on a spending plan for next year. 国会未能就明年的支出计划达成一致。make an agreement They made a secret agreement not to tell anyone about their plans. 他们秘密约定不向任何人透露他们的计划。have an agreement that I thought we had an agreement that you would keep me informed about any changes in the programme. 我想我们之间有过协定,这个计划如有任何变化你都要通知我。under an agreement Under the Geneva agreement, a French force was supposed to remain in South Vietnam until July 1956. 根据日内瓦协议,法军要在越南留驻到1956年7月。 treaty /ˈtriːti/ [countable noun] a written agreement between two or more countries, especially to end a war 〔两国或多国之间,尤指为了结束战争而签订的书面的〕条约,协定 The Treaty of Versailles ended the First World War. 《凡尔赛条约》结束了第一次世界大战。sign a treaty Some countries are still refusing to sign a treaty banning chemical weapons. 有些国家仍拒绝签署禁止化学武器的条约。peace treaty a treaty that ends a war 和平条约 After months of negotiations, he eventually persuaded them to sign a peace treaty. 经过几个月的谈判,他终于说服他们签订一项和平条约。 pact /pækt/ [countable noun] a written agreement between two or more countries or political parties in which they promise to support each other or defend each other 〔国家或政治党派之间为保证互助或互卫而签署的书面〕条约,协定;盟约 Officials at IBM and Apple declined to comment on a possible pact between the two personal computer makers. 国际商业机器公司和苹果公司的高级职员拒绝就两大个人电脑制造商之间可能缔约一事发表任何意见。! Mexico's Defense Ministry this month signed a pact that allows Mexican troops to train at American bases. 墨西哥国防部本月签署条约,使墨西哥军队可在美军基地上接受训练。 contract /ˈkɒntræktǁˈkɑːn-/ [countable noun] a written legal agreement with all the details of a job or business arrangement, for example what someone must do and how much they will be paid 〔关于工作细节或生意上的安排所签的书面〕合同,契约 My contract says I have to work 35 hours per week. 我的合同上规定,我每周必须工作35小时。sign a contract (with somebody) Baltimore officials have confirmed that Olson will sign a two-year contract with the club. 巴尔的摩的高层人士已经证实,奥尔森将与该俱乐部签约两年。break a contract to break the rules of a contract 违约 The company was prosecuted for breaking the contract. 该公司因违约而被起诉。 understanding /ˌʌndəʳˈstændɪŋ/ [countable noun] an informal agreement between two people or organizations that is not written down 〔两人或两个组织之间非正式的、不成文的〕约定,协定 have an understanding Adams and the police have an understanding -- he gives them information and they don't ask any questions about his activities. 亚当斯和警方之间有一个协议—他给警方提供情报,警方不过问他的活动。come to an understanding (that) agree after a discussion 达成协议〔共识〕 We came to an understanding that I would find a job and my husband would stay home with the baby. 我们达成了协定,我去找一份工作,我丈夫在家照看宝宝。understanding between It was an unspoken understanding between Stu and me that I was going to be a lawyer and he was going to be an engineer. 我和斯图之间虽然未曾言明,但心里都知道,我打算当一名律师,而他要成为一名工程师。 compromise /ˈkɒmprəmaɪzǁˈkɑːm-/ [countable noun] an agreement in which both people or groups accept less than they really want 折中;妥协 reach/find a compromise After several hours of discussions, they managed to reach a compromise. 他们商量了好几个小时,总算达成了妥协。compromise between Officials hope to find a compromise between Britain and other EU members. 政府官员希望英国和其他欧盟成员国之间能达成妥协。7 when people have the same opinion about something 在某事上意见相同 agreement /əˈgriːmənt/ [uncountable noun] a situation in which two or more people, groups etc have the same opinion about something 意见一致,意见相合 agreement that There is general agreement among doctors that pregnant women should not smoke. 医生普遍认为怀孕妇女不应该吸烟。agreement on Officials said there was widespread agreement on the need to promote growth by cutting government spending. 政府官员称,人们普遍认为有必要削减政府开支来促进经济增长。in agreement Tara nodded her head in agreement. 塔拉点头表示同意。 consensus /kənˈsensəs/ [uncountable noun] general agreement among most of the people in a group, especially an official group that makes important decisions 【小组中,尤指进行重要决策的官方组织中大多数人的〕一致意见,共识 consensus on/about There is still no general consensus on what our future policy should be. 对于我们今后应推行什么政策还没有达成共识。consensus of opinion The consensus of opinion seems to be that the Prime Minister should resign. 看来舆论一致认为首相应该辞职。reach a consensus achieve agreement 达成共识 The delegates will continue to meet until a consensus is reached. 代表们将继续开会,直至达成共识。 unanimous /juːˈnænɪməs, juːˈnænəməs/ [adjective] if a group of people is unanimous, they all have the same opinion about something, especially about what should be done or who should be chosen or elected 一致同意的,无异议的〔尤指对该做什么或该推举或选举谁〕 The decision of the committee was unanimous. 委员会的决定得到全体通过。unanimous agreement/choice/decision/vote etc Mr Harada was elected by a unanimous vote. 原田先生以全票当选。 Ryan needed unanimous agreement to bring his proposal up for a vote. 瑞安需要大家一致同意把他的提议提出来进行投票。 unanimously [adverb] The union members voted unanimously for a strike. 工会成员一致投票支持罢工。

