
例句 WASH1 to wash your hands/face/body etc2 to wash in a bath or shower3 to wash a car/floor/wall etc4 to wash clothes5 to wash cups/plates/knives etc6 to wash something using water but without soapRELATED WORDSto remove dirt, marks etc from something 除去某物上的灰尘、污迹等 REMOVE (3)see alsoCLEANDIRTYMARKSHINE/SHINY1 to wash your hands/face/body etc 洗手/洗脸/洗澡等 wash /wɒʃǁwɔːʃ, wɑːʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to clean yourself with soap and water 〔用肥皂和水〕洗 Harry went upstairs to wash. 哈里上楼去洗个澡。wash your hands/face/hair etc She was washing her hair when the phone rang. 她正洗头时,电话响了。 Have you boys washed your hands yet? 你们这些男孩子洗过手了吗? wash [singular noun] He looks as if he could do with a good wash. 他看上去似乎得好好洗个澡。 have a wash [verb phrase] British /wash up [intransitive phrasal verb] American /hæv ə ˈwɒʃ, ˌwɒʃ ˈʌpǁ-ˈwɔːʃ/ to wash your hands and face 洗手洗脸 You'll feel better once you've had a wash and something to eat. 梳洗一下再吃点东西你会感觉好些的。 You kids go wash up now - dinner's nearly ready. 你们这些孩子现在去洗洗手洗洗脸—晚饭快弄好了。 freshen up /ˌfreʃən ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] especially spoken to wash your face and hands so that you feel more comfortable, for example when you have been working hard or travelling 【尤口】梳洗一下 The bathroom's on the right if you'd like to freshen up. 如果你想梳洗一下的话,浴室在右边。 She hoped there would be time to freshen up before the interview. 她希望面试前有时间梳洗一下。 get cleaned up /get ˌkliːnd ˈʌp/ [verb phrase] to wash yourself after you have got dirty doing something 〔做某事弄脏后〕把〔身体〕洗干净 I'll make the dinner - just give me chance to get cleaned up first. 我来做晚饭—但先给我点时间洗洗干净。 He's upstairs in the bathroom getting cleaned up. 他在楼上浴室里洗澡。 spruce yourself up/get spruced up /ˌspruːs jɔːʳself ˈʌp, get ˌspruːst ˈʌp/ [verb phrase] to get washed and make yourself look tidy or change your clothes 把自己打扮得整洁 She went into the washroom at the airport to get spruced up before meeting the others. 她去机场的洗手间打扮整理一下再去见别人。 brush your teeth also clean your teeth British /ˌbrʌʃ jɔːʳ ˈtiːθ, ˌkliːn jɔːʳ ˈtiːθ/ [verb phrase] to clean your teeth with a small brush 刷牙 Have you brushed your teeth this morning? 你今天早上刷牙了没有? I cleaned my teeth, flattened down my hair, and rushed out of the door. 我刷好牙,梳平头发,然后匆匆地出门去了。 wipe /waɪp/ [transitive verb] to clean your hands or face by gently rubbing them with a cloth or with your hand 擦拭,揩 Wipe your face. There's chocolate all around your mouth. 擦一擦脸,你嘴巴周围都是巧克力。 Wiping his oily hands on a piece of cloth, he reached into his pocket and handed me the bill. 他用布擦了擦油腻的手,然后把手伸进口袋,递给我账单。 wipe [singular noun] Give your nose a wipe wipe it. 擦擦鼻子。 cleanse /klenz/ [transitive verb] to clean your skin, especially using a special liquid cream 〔尤指用专门的乳液〕清洗〔皮肤〕 This lotion cleanses your skin deep down, while preserving its natural pH balance. 这种洁肤液深入清洁皮肤,同时保持皮肤自然的酸碱平衡。 shampoo /ʃæmˈpuː/ [transitive verb] to wash your hair with shampoo a special liquid soap for washing hair 用洗发水洗〔头发〕 It's a new conditioner. Simply shampoo your hair, towel dry, and spray it in. 这是一种新的护发素,洗净头发,用毛巾擦干后,把它喷上去就可以了。2 to wash in a bath or shower 在浴缸里洗澡或洗淋浴 have a shower British /take a shower /ˌhæv ə ˈʃaʊəʳ, ˌteɪk ə ˈʃaʊəʳ/ [verb phrase] to wash your whole body while standing under a shower 洗淋浴 I'll just have a quick shower and get changed. 我很快洗个淋浴,换了衣服就行了。 She decided to take a shower before dinner. 她决定晚饭前洗个淋浴。 have a bath British /take a bath American /ˌhæv ə ˈbɑːθ, ˌteɪk ə ˈbɑːθǁ-ˈbæθ/ [verb phrase] to wash your whole body while sitting in a bath full of water 〔在注满水的浴缸里〕洗澡 Is there enough hot water for me to have a bath? 热水够我在浴缸里洗个澡吗? I just had time to take a bath and change before we had to go out again. 我们再次出去前,我只有洗澡换衣服的时间。 be in the bath British /be in the bathtub American /biː ɪn ðə ˈbɑːθ, ɪn ðə ˈbɑːθtʌbǁ-ˈbæθ-/ [verb phrase] to be sitting in a bath washing your whole body 在〔浴缸或澡盆里〕洗澡 ‘Where's Barry?’ ‘He's in the bath.’ “巴里在哪里?”“他在洗澡。” My wife was still in the bathtub when I got back from work. 我下班回来,妻子还在洗澡。 shower /ˈʃaʊəʳ/ [intransitive verb] to have a shower 洗淋浴 I got up early as usual, and showered and shaved. 我像平时一样早早起床,洗了淋浴,刮了胡子。 It's so hot there, you have to shower three or four times a day. 那里非常热,一天得洗三四次淋浴。 bath British /bathe American /bɑːθǁbæθ, beɪð/ [transitive verb] to wash someone, especially a baby or a child, in a bath 给〔某人〕洗澡〔尤指婴儿或小孩〕 Make sure you bathe the kids and put them to bed before eight. 一定要在8点之前给孩子们洗好澡,让他们上床睡觉。 Louise loved being bathed when she was a baby. 露易丝还是婴儿时就喜欢洗澡。3 to wash a car/floor/wall etc 擦洗汽车/地板/墙等 wash /wɒʃǁwɔːʃ, wɑːʃ/ [transitive verb] to clean something using a lot of water, and usually soap 〔用水,通常也用肥皂〕洗,洗涤 I really must wash the car this weekend. 这个周末我真的得洗车了。 When we moved in, we spent a whole day washing all the floors and paintwork. 我们搬进去时,花了一整天时间清洗所有的地板和漆面。wash in The spinach leaves should be washed in cold water. 菠菜叶应当用凉水洗净。 clean /kliːn/ [transitive verb] to clean something using soap and water, and usually by rubbing with a cloth or brush 把…弄干净,使清洁〔一般用布或刷子擦〕 Where's that stuff you use for cleaning the bathtub? 你用来洗刷浴缸的东西放在哪里? I usually clean the windows about once a month. 我通常一个月左右清洗一次窗户。 mop /mɒpǁmɑːp/ [transitive verb] to wash a floor using a special tool with a long handle that is dipped in a bucket of water 用拖把擦〔地板〕 Dan has to mop the floor of the café every night. 丹每天晚上都要拖咖啡馆的地板。 scrub /skrʌb/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to make something very clean, using a stiff brush and water, or soap and water 〔用硬刷子〕擦洗,刷洗 Martin washed the mud off his hands and scrubbed his nails. 马丁洗掉手上的泥,然后把指甲刮干净。 Lou was on her knees, scrubbing the kitchen floor. 卢跪着刷厨房的地板。 Scrub the potatoes, then put them in a pan of boiling water. 把马铃薯刷干净,然后放进一锅开水里。 wash down /ˌwɒʃ ˈdaʊnǁˌwɔːʃ-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to wash something large with a lot of water 用大量水冲洗〔体积大的东西〕 wash down something Wash down the walls and leave them to dry before putting up new wallpaper. 把墙壁冲洗一遍,干了以后再贴上新墙纸。wash something down Carol washed the van down and checked the oil and tyres. 卡罗尔把小型货车冲洗了一遍,然后检查了机油和轮胎。 wash out /ˌwɒʃ ˈaʊtǁˌwɔːʃ-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to wash the inside of a cup, glass, pan, or container 洗净〔茶杯、玻璃杯、盘子或容器〕 wash out something I'll just go and wash out these glasses. 我这就去清洗这些玻璃杯。wash something out When the bottle is empty, wash it out thoroughly before refilling. 瓶子空了以后,彻底洗干净后再灌满。4 to wash clothes 洗衣服 wash /wɒʃǁwɔːʃ, wɑːʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to wash clothes, especially in a washing machine 洗〔衣服〕〔尤用洗衣机〕 Could you wash this shirt for me? 帮我洗洗这件衬衫可以吗? I seem to spend all my time washing and ironing these days. 这些天我似乎把所有时间都花在洗衣服熨衣服上。 You ought to wash that sweater by hand. 那件毛衣要手洗。 dry-clean /ˌdraɪ ˈkliːn/ [transitive verb] to clean clothes by using special chemicals instead of soap and water 干洗〔衣服〕 Don't put that dress in the washing machine - the label says it should be dry-cleaned. 别把那件连衣裙放在洗衣机里—标签上写着应干洗。 dry-cleaner's [countable noun] a shop where you can get your clothes dry-cleaned 干洗店 Could you collect my suit from the dry-cleaner's? 你能帮我去干洗店取西装吗? do the washing British /do the laundry American /ˌduː ðə ˈwɒʃɪŋǁ-ˈwɔːʃ-, ˌduː ðə ˈlɔːndri/ [verb phrase] to wash clothes that need to be washed 洗衣服 Did you do the laundry this morning? 今天早上你把衣服都洗了吗? I had to go to the laundromat to do the washing. 我得去自助洗衣店洗衣服。 hand wash/handwash /ˈhænd wɒʃǁ-wɔːʃ, -wɑːʃ/ [transitive verb] to wash clothes by hand, not in a washing machine 手洗〔衣服〕 I usually hand wash the socks and underwear, and put the rest in the machine. 袜子和内衣我通常手洗,其他衣服则放在洗衣机里洗。 Delicate garments and woollens should be handwashed. 质地精细的衣服和毛织物应该手洗。 be in the wash /biː ɪn ðə ˈwɒʃǁ-ˈwɔːʃ/ [verb phrase] clothes that are in the wash are being washed or are waiting to be washed 〔衣服〕正在洗;待洗 ‘Where's my yellow blouse?’ ‘It's in the wash.’ “我的黄衬衫在哪里?”“正在洗。” You'll have to wear these - your other pants are in the wash. 你只好穿这条,你其他的裤子正在洗。 laundry also washing British /ˈlɔːndri, ˈwɒʃɪŋǁˈwɔːʃ-/ [uncountable noun] clothes that need to be washed, are being washed, or have just been washed 要洗〔正在洗;刚洗过〕的衣物 a basket of laundry 一篮刚洗好的衣服 There was dirty washing all over the floor. 地板上到处是要洗的脏衣服。 washable /ˈwɒʃəbəlǁˈwɔːʃ-, ˈwɑːʃ-/ [adjective] able to be washed in water without being spoiled 可洗的,耐洗的 Let's have a look at the label on those trousers. Are they washable? 我们来看看那条裤子上的标签,能不能水洗? I always buy cotton clothes that are easily washable. 我总是买方便水洗的棉质衣服。5 to wash cups/plates/knives etc 洗杯子/盘子/刀具等 wash the dishes/do the dishes /ˌwɒʃ ðə ˈdɪʃzǁˌwɔːʃ-, ˌduː ðə ˈdɪʃz/ [verb phrase] to wash all the cups, plates, knives etc that you have used during a meal 洗餐具,洗盘子 My mom always makes me wash the dishes. 我妈总是要我洗盘子。 Can I help you do the dishes? 我来帮你洗盘子,好吗? do the washing up/wash up /duː ðə ˌwɒʃɪŋ ˈʌp, ˌwɒʃ ˈʌpǁ-ˌwɔːʃ-/ [] British to wash all the cups, plates, knives etc that you have used during a meal 【英】洗餐具,洗盘子 If you do the cooking tonight, I'll do the washing up. 今天晚上如果你做饭,我就洗盘子。 Who's going to wash up? 谁来洗盘子? washing-up [countable noun] the dirty plates, dishes, knives etc that have to be washed 待洗的餐具 The sink was full of washing-up. 洗涤槽里全是待洗的餐具。6 to wash something using water but without soap 用水而不用肥皂洗某物 rinse /rɪns/ [transitive verb] to wash something with water in order to remove soap or dirt 把〔肥皂或污垢〕冲洗掉 I'll just rinse the lettuce under the tap. 我就把生菜放到水龙头下冲洗。 Rosie rinsed her mouth to get rid of the taste. 罗茜漱了口,想把味道去掉。rinse out something quickly clean a container, just using water 〔只用清水〕把某物冲洗干净 He rinsed out a glass and poured himself a whiskey. 他冲洗了一只玻璃杯,给自己倒了杯威士忌酒。 rinse [singular noun] give something a rinse Pass me your cup, and I'll give it a quick rinse. 把你的杯子递给我,我来很快地冲洗一下。 soak/leave something to soak /səʊk, ˌliːv something tə ˈsəʊk/ [transitive verb/verb phrase] to leave something in water for a long time in order to clean it or make it easier to wash later 浸泡某物〔使清洁或容易清洗〕 You'll have to soak that shirt to get the blood off it. 那件衬衫要浸泡,以便去除血渍。leave something to soak Just leave that pan to soak overnight. 就把那个平底锅泡一个晚上吧。

