
单词 vehicle
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The car industry's annual production fluctuates between 5.1 million and 9.2 million vehicles. 汽车工业的年产量在510万辆至920万辆之间波动。朗文写作活用〔CONTAIN〕The ferry can carry 300 passengers, plus 100 vehicles. 渡船可载300名乘客,外加100辆车。朗文写作活用〔ESV〕Earth satellite vehicle.人造地球卫星美国传统〔GROUP〕The vehicles are grouped according to engine size. 这些车辆根据引擎的大小分类。朗文写作活用〔HEALTHY/UNHEALTHY〕The new air pollution controls are designed to limit harmful emissions from industry and motor vehicles. 新的空气污染控制措施是为了限制工业和机动车辆的有害气体排放而设计的。朗文写作活用〔HEAVY〕Vehicles over a certain weight are not allowed to use the bridge. 超过一定重量的车辆禁止在这座桥上行驶。朗文写作活用〔LEGAL〕If there is an accident, the owner of the vehicle will be legally responsible. 如果发生事故,车主将依法承担法律责任。朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕Environmentalists concede that it will not be easy to persuade car drivers to use their vehicles less often. 环保主义者承认,要说服驾车的人少用汽车并非易事。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕After the flood, hundreds of stranded vehicles lined the roads. 洪水退去后,数以百计滞留的车辆在路上排列成行。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕Do not distract the driver while the vehicle is in motion. 车辆行驶时不要让司机分心。朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕Ford announced that it has increased production to meet demand for its new range of sports utility vehicle. 福特公司宣布,他们已提高产量,以满足消费者对新的运动型多功能汽车系列的需求。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕As a result of the crash, the remains of the vehicles were distorted out of all recognition. 这些车辆因为撞击的缘故都变形了,以致无法辨认。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕What you need for Africa is a simple, durable and inexpensive vehicle. 你去非洲需要一辆简单、耐用又便宜的汽车。朗文写作活用〔abandon〕The vehicle was found abandoned near the village.那车被发现扔在村子附近。英汉大词典〔ablaze〕Shops, houses, and vehicles were set ablaze.商店、房屋和车辆都被点着了。外研社新世纪〔accelerator〕A device, especially the gas pedal of a motor vehicle, for increasing speed.加速装置:加速器,如可以用来加速的汽车油门美国传统〔access〕The road is closed but can be accessed by emergency vehicles.道路被封闭了,但是紧急车辆可以通过。麦克米伦高阶〔acetabular〕Most acetabular fractures occur in motor vehicle accidents or high-velocity falls.大多数髋臼骨折的情况是由于机动车事故或高速跌倒引起的。剑桥高阶〔added value〕The additional features will increase the appeal of these vehicles and provide added value.这些附加特色会增加这些车辆的吸引力并为其增值。外研社新世纪〔adrift〕Three insulating panels had come adrift from the base of the vehicle.车子底盘的3块隔热板已经脱落了。柯林斯高阶〔airplane〕Any of various winged vehicles capable of flight, generally heavier than air and driven by jet engines or propellers.飞机:各种能够飞行的带翼交通工具,通常比空气重,用喷气式发动机或螺旋桨驱动美国传统〔alight〕Two men alighted from the vehicle.两个男人从车上下来。柯林斯高阶〔amidship(s)〕The parked vehicle was struck amidship(s) by the skidding bus.那辆停着的汽车被滑行过来的公共汽车拦腰冲撞。英汉大词典〔armrest〕A support for the arm, as on a piece of furniture or within a motor vehicle.扶手:扶手,如安装在家具上或汽车门里面的美国传统〔assurance〕He gave me his personal assurance that the vehicle was safe.他亲自向我保证,这辆车是安全的。牛津搭配〔at〕The vehicle was travelling at 50 km/h.那辆车以每小时50公里的速度行驶。外研社新世纪〔bimodal〕Designed for operation on either railroads or highways. Used of vehicles.为铁路和公路两用而设计的。用于汽车设计美国传统〔blood〕Blood spattered the seats of the vehicle.鲜血飞溅到车子的座位上。牛津搭配〔braking distance〕The distance required for a vehicle moving at a specified velocity to come to a complete stop after its brakes have been activated.制动距离:以一定速度行驶的汽车从始制动到完全停止所需的距离美国传统〔burn〕When I arrived one of the vehicles was still burning.当我到达时,其中一辆车还在燃烧。柯林斯高阶〔bus〕A long motor vehicle for carrying passengers, usually along a fixed route.公共汽车:一种载客的长型机动车辆,通常沿指定路线行驶美国传统〔cab〕A one-horse vehicle for public hire.出租马车:用于公开出租的单马力交通工具美国传统〔camouflage〕The vehicles were all well camouflaged.车辆都很好地伪装起来了。牛津搭配〔car wash〕An area, place, or business equipped for cleaning and washing motor vehicles such as cars, vans, and small trucks.洗车业:一个区域、地方或一种行业,备有清洗轿车、货车和小型卡车等机动车辆的设备美国传统〔carsick〕Suffering from motion sickness caused by travel in a motor vehicle.晕车的:因乘坐机动车辆旅行而感觉恶心的美国传统〔car〕Police in an unmarked car had been following the stolen vehicle.警察驾驶一辆无标志的警车一直在跟踪被盗车。牛津搭配〔checkpoint〕Vehicles were inspected at various checkpoints.车辆在各个检查站接受检查。英汉大词典〔child restraint〕A device, such as a seat belt or small car seat with a seat belt, used to control and protect a child in a motor vehicle.儿童安全带:如一个座位上安装的带子或小汽车上的安全带等设备用来控制和保护汽车中的孩子美国传统〔chunnel〕An underwater tunnel for the passage of motor vehicles, especially one under the English Channel.隧道:车辆通过的水下隧道,特指英吉利海峡下的隧道美国传统〔clearance〕There is not much clearance for vehicles passing under this bridge.车辆在这座桥下通过时没有多少余隙。牛津高阶〔cluster〕They were gathered in a cluster around the vehicle.他们聚集在那辆车的周围。外研社新世纪〔consent〕No one may use the vehicle without the consent of the owner.未经车主许可,任何人不得用车。韦氏高阶〔consideration〕One of the possibilities under consideration is closing the street to motor vehicles.正在考虑中麦克米伦高阶〔convoy〕A group, as of ships or motor vehicles, traveling together with a protective escort or for safety or convenience.受护送的船队:在护送下或者为了安全或方便而一起行进的(如,船只或机动车)团队美国传统〔crystal ball〕A vehicle or technique for making predictions.语言工具,语言技术:用来作预言用的工具或技术美国传统〔damage〕Several vehicles were damaged in the crash.好几辆汽车在撞车事故中损坏了。牛津高阶〔daub〕Children, many with their faces daubed with paint, ran among the vehicles.孩子们在车辆中间跑来跑去,许多脸上都涂着油彩。柯林斯高阶〔daub〕Children, many with their faces daubed with paint, ran among the vehicles.孩子们在车辆之间跑来跑去, 许多脸上涂满油彩。外研社新世纪〔deadhead〕A vehicle, such as an aircraft, that transports no passengers or freight during a trip.空车:在旅行时不载乘客或货物的交通工具,如飞机美国传统〔deodorize〕The machine uses minute quantities of ozone to sterilise and deodorise refrigerated food vehicles.这种机器使用极少量的臭氧为食品冷藏车消毒杀菌和去除异味。柯林斯高阶〔depreciation〕The rental cost has been calculated to take into account the depreciation of the vehicle.租金的计算已经考虑了车辆的折旧。外研社新世纪〔depressurize〕To reduce the pressure of air or gas within (a chamber or vehicle, for example).降压,解压:降低(如小室或容器中的)空气或气体的压力美国传统〔desert〕The vehicles have been modified to suit conditions in the desert.车辆已经进行了改装以适应沙漠的环境。外研社新世纪〔device〕This electronic device protects your vehicle 24 hours a day.这种电子装置可以全天24小时保护您的车辆。外研社新世纪〔diesel〕A vehicle powered by a diesel engine.柴油机驱动的车辆:以柴油机为动力的车辆美国传统〔disembark〕To leave a vehicle or aircraft.下车,下飞机:离开车辆或飞机美国传统〔dock〕The astronauts docked their space vehicles and began to exchange cargo.宇航员们使他们的宇宙飞行器在外层空间对接并开始交换货物。21世纪英汉〔downshift〕To shift a motor vehicle into a lower gear.将汽车调低速档美国传统〔economy〕The company has improved the fuel economy of all its vehicles.公司改进了所有车辆的节油性能。牛津搭配〔effort〕The drivers made no efforts to check their vehicles.司机们懒得对自己的车辆进行检查。麦克米伦高阶〔equip〕They are obsessed with trying to equip their vehicles with gadgets.他们痴迷于给自己的汽车装配各种小玩意儿。外研社新世纪〔excursion〕A roundtrip on a passenger vehicle at a special low fare.优惠旅行:坐减价交通工具的旅行美国传统〔eyewitness〕According to an eyewitness account, the thieves abandoned their vehicle near the scene of the robbery.据一位目击证人的描述,这伙盗贼在抢劫现场附近弃车而逃。剑桥高阶〔far〕Being on the right side of an animal or a vehicle.右边:在动物或车辆的右边美国传统〔find/get religion〕Automakers have found religion, finally bringing more hybrid vehicles to market.汽车制造商已步入正轨,最终为市场提供了更多的混合动力车韦氏高阶〔flame〕She managed to scramble out of the vehicle as it burst into flames.车子一下子起火了,她设法从里面爬了出来。柯林斯高阶〔foot〕Foot passengers were allowed to leave the ferry before the vehicles.步行的乘客可以先于车辆离开渡船。牛津搭配〔four-in-hand〕A vehicle drawn by four horses.四乘驾:由四匹马拉的马车美国传统〔fourth〕The transmission gear or gear ratio used to produce forward speeds next higher to those of third in a motor vehicle.第四档:海车换挡时从第三挡换到下一挡,以加快速度美国传统〔freight〕All vehicles carrying freight need a special permit.所有运货车辆都要有专门执照。牛津搭配〔freight〕Goods carried by a vessel or vehicle, especially by a commercial carrier; cargo.货物:被船或飞机,尤指被商业运输公司运送的货物;货物美国传统〔gunman〕Two policemen were killed when gunmen opened fire on their patrol vehicle.持枪歹徒朝警察的巡逻车开火,两名警察被打死。柯林斯高阶〔handbrake〕She released the handbrake and swung the vehicle out of the yard and onto the road.她松开手刹, 一个急转弯将汽车开出院子, 上了马路。外研社新世纪〔hardstand〕A hard-surfaced area for parking aircraft or ground vehicles.停机坪,停车场:指停放飞机或陆地运输工具的地面美国传统〔harness〕The gear or tackle, other than a yoke, with which a draft animal pulls a vehicle or an implement.挽具:一种与轭不同的用于将驮重动物系在车辆或工具上的马具美国传统〔hazard light〕A light on a vehicle that blinks to indicate that the vehicle poses danger to others.危险信号灯:安装在车辆上表示会对别人造成危险的能闪烁的灯美国传统〔hill〕We took to the hills in a variety of four-wheel-drive vehicles.我们乘坐各式各样的四轮驱动车上山。牛津搭配〔hood〕The hinged metal lid over the engine of a motor vehicle.引擎罩:机动车辆引擎上以铰链接合的金属盖美国传统〔horror〕Only when the vehicle was lifted did the full horror of the accident become clear.只有当车辆被吊起来时才知道事故到底有多惨。朗文当代〔hubcap〕A round covering over the hub of the wheel of a motor vehicle.毂盖:机动车轮毂上的圆盖美国传统〔individual〕No single individual had done so much for the development of the motor vehicle.没有哪一个人对机动车的发展作出过如此大的贡献。牛津搭配〔jack-knife〕His vehicle jack-knifed, and crashed across all three lanes of the opposite carriageway.他的车弯成V字形,撞进了反方向车道,车身挡住了所有的3个车道。柯林斯高阶〔jalopy〕An old, dilapidated motor vehicle, especially an automobile.旧汽车:使用时间长的、破旧的机动车辆,尤指汽车美国传统〔jet〕A jet-propelled vehicle, especially a jet-propelled aircraft.喷射器:喷气式机动装置,尤指喷气式飞机美国传统〔jink〕To cause (a vehicle or an aircraft, for example) to make a quick, evasive turn.使(倒如车辆或飞机)急转美国传统〔kickstand〕A swiveling metal bar for holding a two-wheeled vehicle, such as a motorcycle, upright when not being ridden.撑脚架:一个可转动的金属条,以使两轮车(如摩托车)在不骑时可以保持直立美国传统〔lander〕A space vehicle designed to land on a celestial body, such as the moon or a planet.着陆器:一种用于在诸如月亮或行星等天体上着陆的空间机械器具美国传统〔lemon law〕A law obligating manufacturers or sellers to repair, replace, or refund the price of motor vehicles that prove to be defective.次品车消费者保护法:一项规定制造厂商或销售商必须对证明是有缺陷的机动车辆进行修理、换货或者退款的法律美国传统〔midsize〕Of intermediate size. Used especially of motor vehicles, such as cars.中等大小的,中号的:大小适中的。尤用于机动车,如小汽车美国传统〔mind〕Bear in mind the age of the vehicle when assessing its value.对车辆进行估价时要考虑到车龄。牛津搭配〔momentum〕The vehicle gained momentum as the road dipped.那辆车顺着坡越跑冲力越大。牛津高阶〔moor〕Suitcases having handles can be firmly moored to a vehicle.有把手的小提箱可以稳妥地固定在车子上。文馨英汉〔motor pool〕A centrally managed group of motor vehicles intended for the use of personnel, as of a governmental agency or military installation.集中调度的机动车:为个人使用而集中调度的一些机动车辆,如在政府代表处或军队设施中美国传统〔motorcycle〕A two-wheeled motor vehicle resembling a heavy bicycle, sometimes having two saddles and a sidecar with a third wheel.摩托车:形似重型自行车的两轮机动车,有时有两个车座和一个带单轮的边车美国传统〔motor〕Theft of motor vehicles is up by 15.9%.机动车辆偷盗案上升了15.9%。柯林斯高阶〔motor〕To carry by motor vehicle.用汽车运送美国传统〔motor〕To drive or travel in a motor vehicle.驾车或乘车旅行美国传统〔narrow〕Two police officers had a narrow escape when rioters attacked their vehicle.两名警察在暴乱分子袭击警车时死里逃生。外研社新世纪〔near miss〕A narrowly avoided collision involving two or more aircraft, ships, boats, or motor vehicles.侥幸免撞脱险:涉及到两架或以上的飞机、船、舟或摩托车的侥幸避过的撞击美国传统〔near〕Being on the left side of an animal or a vehicle.左侧的:在动物或运输工具左侧的美国传统〔odometer〕An instrument that indicates distance traveled by a vehicle.计程仪:显示车辆行驶距离的仪器美国传统〔onboard〕Carried aboard a vehicle or vessel.机载的,舰载的:载于交通工具或船只的美国传统〔outstrip〕He outstripped the other vehicle.他超过了另外一辆车。外研社新世纪〔overdrive〕A gearing mechanism of a motor vehicle engine that reduces the power output required to maintain driving speed in a specific range by lowering the gear ratio.(汽车的)超速档:机动车辆的一种齿轮装置,通过降低齿轮比率来减少为将车速保持在一定范围内而需要的输出力美国传统〔panzer〕A German armored vehicle, such as a tank, especially of the type used during World War II.装甲车:一种德国装甲车辆,例如坦克,尤指用于二战时期的类型美国传统〔parking〕The act or practice of temporarily leaving a vehicle or maneuvering a vehicle into a certain location.停车,泊车:暂时停车或把车开进某一特定的地方的行为或实践美国传统〔pass〕You should only pass a slower vehicle if it is safe to do so.只有在安全的情况下,你才应该超越较慢的车辆。剑桥高阶〔pedaler〕One who rides a pedal-driven vehicle, such as a bicycle.踏车人:骑在如自行车等以脚踏板推动的交通工具上的人美国传统〔port〕A hole in an armored vehicle or a fortified structure for viewing or for firing weapons.射击孔:装甲车上或在车上用于观察或发射枪炮的孔美国传统〔power steering〕A device driven by the engine of a vehicle that facilitates the turning of the steering wheel by the driver.转向动力装置:机动车上由引擎带动的装置,它使驾驶员能够转动方向盘美国传统〔power〕Visitors to the city are respectfully reminded of the council's powers to remove illegally parked vehicles.到该市游览的游客收到礼貌的提醒,市政委员会有权拖走违章停放的车辆。剑桥高阶〔procession〕A group of persons, vehicles, or objects moving along in an orderly, formal manner.行列,队伍:一群人、一些交通工具或物品有次序地、整齐地向前移动美国传统〔propellant〕A compressed inert gas, such as a fluorocarbon, that acts as a vehicle for discharging the contents of an aerosol container.压缩气体:被压缩的惰性气体,比如碳氟化合物,这种气体充当喷撒器中物质的载体美国传统〔property〕This vehicle has been parked on private property.这辆车停在了私人地产上。柯林斯高阶〔pump〕There are already long queues of vehicles at petrol pumps.加油泵边车辆已经排起了长队。柯林斯高阶〔push〕He was deliberately pushed into the path of the vehicle.他被故意推到了那辆车的行车道上。牛津搭配〔rate〕We have a wide range of vehicles available for hire at competitive rates.我们有多种类型的交通工具出租,价格也颇具竞争力。牛津搭配〔rattletrap〕A rickety, worn-out vehicle.老爷车:一种破旧的,吱吱作响的交通工具美国传统〔repo〕I'd like to hear from anyone who has personal experience of a vehicle being repo'd.如果你有汽车被收回的经历,我想了解一下。剑桥高阶〔reservation〕My one reservation concerns the performance of the vehicle in wet conditions.我的一个疑虑是车辆在潮湿环境下的性能。牛津搭配〔rest〕The vehicle skidded across the road before coming to rest against a wall.汽车滑过马路后撞到墙停了下来。麦克米伦高阶〔retrorocket〕A rocket engine used to retard, arrest, or reverse the motion of a vehicle, such as an aircraft, a missile, or a spacecraft.制动火箭:用于阻滞、抑制或使运载物(如飞行器、导弹或太空飞行器)反向运动的火箭引擎美国传统〔ride〕The act or an instance of riding, as in a vehicle or on an animal.骑,乘:骑的动作或事例,例如乘车辆或动物美国传统〔rig〕A vehicle with one or more horses harnessed to it.马车:套上一匹或多匹马的马车美国传统〔roadblock〕Police set up roadblocks to check passing vehicles.警方设置关卡检查过往车辆。外研社新世纪〔roadway〕A road, especially the part over which vehicles travel.车道快车道:尤指供车辆行驶的那一部分道路美国传统〔roar〕The engine roared, and the vehicle leapt forward.发动机轰鸣着,车子猛然冲出去。柯林斯高阶〔rut〕A sunken track or groove made by the passage of vehicles.车辙:车轮留下的印迹或沟槽美国传统〔satellite〕The new equipment will link vehicles by satellite to their office.新设备将通过卫星把车辆连到它们所属的办事处。麦克米伦高阶〔secure〕Car manufacturers ought to produce vehicles that are more secure against theft.汽车制造商应该生产出防盗性能更佳的汽车。剑桥高阶〔shock absorber〕A device used to absorb mechanical shocks, as a hydraulic or pneumatic piston used to dampen the jarring sustained in a moving motor vehicle.减震器:一种用于承受机械震荡的装置,比如用来降低机动车辆内部的震动的水力或气压活塞美国传统〔shuttlecraft〕A reusable space vehicle for transporting astronauts or material back and forth; a space shuttle.航天飞机:一种往返运送宇航员或材料的可重复使用的太空运输工具;航天飞船美国传统〔slipstream〕To drive or cycle in the slipstream of a vehicle ahead.在前面的车辆形成的滑流里驾驶或循环美国传统〔snowbound〕Hundreds of vehicles have become snowbound.数百辆汽车被大雪困住。剑桥高阶〔snowplow〕A plowlike device or vehicle used to remove snow, especially from roads and railroad tracks.扫雪机:用来扫雪,特别是扫除道路和铁路轨道上的雪的犁状装置或车辆美国传统〔so much〕You are charged so much a mile when renting a vehicle.租车的话,一英里要收这么多钱。韦氏高阶〔spacefaring〕The launching of vehicles into outer space.发射:将航空器发射入太空美国传统〔spare tire〕An additional tire carried in a vehicle as a replacement for one that goes flat.备胎:置于车辆上的额外轮胎,轮胎破掉时得以替换美国传统〔spillback〕Arrested traffic flow in which vehicles that are stopped partway through an intersection because of a blockage ahead prevent crossing traffic from moving.塞车:停滞的车流,因前方的堵塞而使车子不能前行,从而导致车辆停滞在交叉路口上美国传统〔sport-ute〕A sport-utility vehicle.运动旅行车美国传统〔spur〕They admitted they had taken a vehicle on the spur of the moment.他们承认是一时冲动偷走了一辆车。柯林斯高阶〔stagecoach〕A four-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle formerly used to transport mail, parcels, and passengers over a regular route.驿站马车:一种四轮马车,过去在固定的路线上用来运输邮件、包裹和旅客美国传统〔stamp〕Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.汽车制造商在新车的好几处地方打上车辆识别号码,以便于追查被偷车辆。柯林斯高阶〔stone〕Rioters blocked roads and stoned vehicles.暴徒们堵塞了道路,并朝汽车投掷石块。朗文当代〔strain〕Several men were straining at a rope, trying to move the stalled vehicle.好几个人正在用力拉一根绳子,试图拖动抛了锚的车子。牛津搭配〔suspension〕The system of springs and other devices that insulates the chassis of a vehicle from shocks transmitted through the wheels.悬架:弹簧和其它装置构成和系统,可以使一交通工具的底盘免受传过轮子的震动美国传统〔swerve〕The vehicle swerved off the road.这辆车突然转向驶离了公路。牛津搭配〔synthesized〕If the vehicle is going too fast, a synthesised voice tells the driver to slow down.如果车开得太快,会有一个合成人声告诉司机减速。柯林斯高阶〔take out〕All drivers in the state must take out insurance on their vehicles.全州所有的司机必须给他们的车辆办理保险。韦氏高阶〔team〕A vehicle along with the animal or animals harnessed to it.畜力大车:套上牲畜的车辆美国传统〔telematics〕In vehicles, telematics can be used to monitor hours used and miles driven, each of which can be recorded in real time.在车辆中,远距离传送可用来监测所用的时间和驶过的里程,两个都是可以实时记录的数据。剑桥高阶〔top〕It was the first time a Japanese manufacturer had topped the list for imported vehicles.这是日本厂商首次占据进口车辆排行榜榜首位置。外研社新世纪〔tow-away zone〕A no-parking zone from which motor vehicles may be towed away.禁止停车区:停靠的机动车辆可能从此被拖走的禁止停车区域美国传统〔trace〕One of two side straps or chains connecting a harnessed draft animal to a vehicle or whiffletree.挽绳:将套以挽具的牵引动物与一车辆或横杠连接起来的两条边带或链子中的一根美国传统〔traction〕The act of drawing or pulling, especially the drawing of a vehicle or load over a surface by motor power.拖拉:拖或拉的行为,尤指用机动力将车辆或货物拖过一平面美国传统〔traffic〕A traffic island at the junction separates left- and right-turning vehicles.交叉路口的交通安全岛将左转车辆和右转车辆隔离开来。牛津搭配〔transaxle〕An automotive part that combines the transmission and the differential and is used on vehicles with front-wheel drive.驱动桥:汽车的一个部件,将传动装置和分速器箱结合起来,用于前轮驱动的汽车美国传统〔two-seater〕A vehicle with seats for two people.有两个座位的车辆美国传统〔two-wheeler〕A vehicle with two wheels, especially a bicycle.有两个轮子的车,尤指自行车美国传统〔unattended〕The unattended vehicles were in the parking lot of a Marystown motel.无主车辆都在玛丽斯敦一家汽车旅馆的停车场上。外研社新世纪〔undercoat〕A tarlike substance sprayed on the underside of a vehicle to prevent rusting.底部防锈层:喷在交通工具底部以防止生锈的类似柏油的物质美国传统〔underslung〕Having springs attached to the axles from below. Used of a vehicle or of its frame.下悬式的:有弹簧从下面连接到轴上的。用于车辆或其框架美国传统〔unescorted〕The President's unescorted vehicle was ambushed just outside the capital.刚出首都,总统无人护卫的汽车就遭到了伏击。柯林斯高阶〔use〕Electric vehicles built in 1920 were still in use in the 1950s.1920 年制造的电车在 50 年代仍在使用。朗文当代〔vanity plate〕A license plate for a motor vehicle bearing a combination of letters or numbers selected by the purchaser.装饰性牌照:一种摩托车的牌照,含有由车主所选的字母或数字的组合美国传统〔van〕An enclosed boxlike motor vehicle having rear or side doors and side panels especially for transporting people.运货车:带有后部或两侧的门和侧窗的,尤其用来运载人的封闭厢式汽车美国传统〔vehicle〕MGM made the film as a star vehicle for Brando.米高梅公司拍摄这部影片作为白兰度的成名工具。朗文当代〔vehicle〕Road vehicles include cars, buses, and trucks.道路交通工具包括汽车、公共汽车和卡车。剑桥高阶〔vehicle〕The vehicle was impounded as part of the police investigation.这辆车作为警方调查的一部分被扣押了。牛津搭配〔vehicle〕This is the perfect vehicle for Fleming to make his triumphant return to the stage.这是弗莱明借以成功重返舞台的绝佳之作。朗文当代〔watercraft〕Water vehicles considered as a group.水运工具:水上船只的总称美国传统〔welter〕Vehicles of every conceivable kind weltered together.各种各样的车辆杂乱无章地混在一起。英汉大词典〔wheelbase〕The distance from the center of the front wheel to that of the rear wheel in a motor vehicle, usually expressed in inches.轴距:机动车中从前轮中心到后轮中心间的距离,常用英寸表示美国传统〔yield〕Barges yielded to road vehicles for transporting goods.在货物运输方面,驳船让位给了公路车辆。牛津高阶Vehicle manufacturers are among the largest corporate issuers of dollar bonds.汽车制造商身居最大的美元债券发行企业之列。牛津商务Vehicles above 2.5 metres high must take an alternative route in order to avoid the low bridge.为了避开低桥,高于2.5米的车辆必须改道。剑桥国际Vehicles coming from the left have right of way.来自左方的车辆有先行权。剑桥国际Air pollutants, such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, are derived mainly from the combustion of fuels in industrial plants and vehicle engines.二氧化硫和二氧化氮等空气污染物主要源于工厂和汽车引擎中燃料的燃烧。剑桥国际Each vehicle had been strafed or bombed.每部车辆都遭到了扫射或轰炸。剑桥国际High vehicles are advised to take an alternative route because of low clearance (=because there is not much space) under the bridge.建议高大的车辆改走它路,因为桥下的净空较低。剑桥国际It takes three days for the asphalt to dry up after they are paved. Prior to this, all vehicles are forbidden to pass on the pavement. 沥青在铺好之后,有三天才能干。在此之前所有的车辆都不准通过。译典通One carmaker reported a 13% drop in domestic sales of new vehicles.一家汽车制造商报告称,新车的国内销量下降了 13%。牛津商务Several snowbound vehicles have already been rescued on this stretch of the motorway.在这段高速公路上,几辆被大雪困住的汽车已经得到了救援。剑桥国际Some aircraft are designed to carry bulky freight or vehicles. 有些飞机设计得能运载体积大的货物或车辆。译典通The car should be in gear (= with its gears in position, allowing the vehicle to move).车子应该挂上档。剑桥国际The council is considering banning vehicles from the town centre to relieve congestion.市政会正在考虑市中心禁止机动车来缓解交通堵塞。剑桥国际The intranet provides a vehicle for teams to share information and knowledge.企业内联网成为团队分享信息和知识的工具。牛津商务The military vehicles were ambushed. 军车遭到伏击。译典通The number of thefts of motor vehicles rose by a third last year.机动车的失窃数量去年增长了三分之一。剑桥国际The operators control the working life of the mine without seeing it, the computer giving a read-out on the status of each vehicle.管理员们用不着看就控制着矿山的工作期限,计算机会给出每台车辆状况的数据读出。剑桥国际The play is a good vehicle for his comic talent. 这个剧本很好地展露了他的喜剧天才。译典通The scatter diagram clearly shows that heavier vehicles use fuel less efficiently.这幅散点图清楚地显示出重型车辆的能耗效率较低。牛津商务The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles.通过这一考试就有资格驾驶重型车辆。牛津商务There has been a dilution of demand for these vehicles in Japan.这些汽车在日本的需求有所下降。牛津商务These vehicles can travel at up to 240 kph.这些车辆时速可达 240 公里。牛津商务They hoped to join forces with Fiat to develop new vehicles.他们希望与菲亚特公司合作开发新的车辆。牛津商务Two soldiers travelling in the armoured vehicle were injured when the mine exploded.由于地雷爆炸,乘装甲车行进的两名士兵受了伤。剑桥国际We saw a huge vehicle sprinkling water on the street. 我们看到一辆车在街上洒水。译典通When the two vehicles collided he was catapulted (=thrown with great force) forwards.当两车相撞时,他一下子被弹向前面。剑桥国际You need a fairly rugged vehicle to cross the desert. 你需要有一辆相当坚固耐用的车子穿越沙漠。译典通

