
单词 visions
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bernadette of Lourdes〕French peasant girl whose visions of the Virgin Mary led to the establishment of the shrine at Lourdes, France.卢尔德的贝尔纳黛特:法国一农家女,她在幻觉中见到圣母玛丽亚,因此在卢尔德建了一座教堂以做纪念美国传统〔CAUSE〕The names Witches Well, Candlemaker Row and Grassmarket Square evoke visions of another era. 女巫井、烛匠街和草市广场等名字激起人们对另一时代的幻想。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Many people claim to have had visions while praying at Lourdes. 许多人称在卢尔德祈祷时见过异象。朗文写作活用〔conjure ... up〕He often conjured up visions of his boyhood days.他常常回忆自己童年时的情景。21世纪英汉〔daedal〕Visions of cloud and light and daedal earth are the airman's daily scene.云彩、光线以及绚丽多彩的大地是飞行员日常视野中的景象。英汉大词典〔float〕Romantic visions floated before his eyes.浪漫的幻象在他眼前漂浮。英汉大词典〔haunt〕These visions continued to haunt her for many years.多年来这些景象一直在她脑海里萦绕。牛津搭配〔materiality〕The former believes in visions, the latter in materialities.前者相信梦幻,而后者则相信物质的实有。英汉大词典〔praise〕These artists deserve praise for the clarity of their visions.这些艺术家视野清晰,值得赞扬。牛津搭配〔titanic〕The world had witnessed a titanic struggle between two visions of the future.世界见证了两种对未来的构想之间的激烈较量。外研社新世纪〔titanic〕The world had witnessed a titanic struggle between two visions of the future.世界见证了两种对未来的构想之间的激烈较量。柯林斯高阶〔vision〕He had visions of being surrounded by happy children.他幻想过被快乐的孩子所包围的情景。外研社新世纪〔vision〕I had visions of cold showers and hard beds, but in fact the place was pretty comfortable.我想象中是冷水淋浴和硬邦邦的床,但实际上这个地方非常舒适。麦克米伦高阶〔vision〕I had visions of the kids getting lost and getting abducted by some weirdo.我胡思乱想着孩子们走丢了,被什么怪人拐走了。朗文当代〔vision〕I had visions of us getting hopelessly lost.我产生了我们完全迷失了方向的幻觉。牛津搭配〔vision〕I had visions of us getting hopelessly lost.我想像我们完全迷失了方向。牛津高阶〔vision〕In visions he had seen himself in many struggles.他多次在幻觉中看见自己在搏斗。英汉大词典〔vision〕Johnny was late home and, as usual, I had visions of him lying dead in some alley.约翰尼回家晚了,而我又像往常一样幻想他死在某条小巷里。剑桥高阶〔vision〕Maybe you had visions of being surrounded by happy, smiling children.也许你曾幻想过被快乐嬉笑的孩子所包围的情景。柯林斯高阶〔vision〕She had visions in which the angel Gabriel appeared to her.她产生了幻觉,看到天使加百列出现在她面前。剑桥高阶〔vision〕They had two very different visions for the company.他们对公司的未来有两种截然不同的看法。韦氏高阶〔vision〕We had visions of fame and fortune.我们对名利抱有幻想。韦氏高阶A sixteenth century nun living in this valley had visions in which the angel Gabriel appeared to her. 16 世纪一名住在这个峡谷的修女有过加百列天使在她面前显现的幻像。剑桥国际David, in his secret heart, had visions of a sort of sublimated summer resort. 大卫在他心里设想著一个类似理想的避暑地。译典通For me, the smell of coconut oil conjures up visions of palm trees waving in the breeze.对我来说,椰子油的香味使我的脑海里浮现出了棕榈树在微风中摇曳的景象。剑桥国际Johnny was late home and, as usual, I had visions of him (= anxiously imagined him) lying dead in some alley.强尼回家晚了,而我又像平常一样幻想着他躺在某一条小巷里死了。剑桥国际People suffering from schizophrenia sometimes report having visions.患了精神分裂症的人们有时会产生幻觉。剑桥国际The poem includes apocalyptic visions of a nuclear confrontation.诗中包涵着核对抗的世界末日式的图景。剑桥国际The statement was decked out with grand visions of the future and good intentions.这一声明带有对未来的伟大远见和良好的意愿。剑桥国际When I was a child, I had visions of being a prince. 小时候,我曾想像自己是个王子。译典通

