
单词 squire
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔armiger〕A bearer of armor for a knight; a squire.为骑士持武器的人;骑士的扈从美国传统〔bastard〕He was born in 1798, the bastard son of a country squire and his mistress.他生于1798年,是个乡绅与其情妇的私生子。剑桥高阶〔esquire〕Archaic An English country gentleman; a squire.【古语】 英国乡绅;地主美国传统〔knight〕Abbr. Knt,kt.A medieval gentleman-soldier, usually high-born, raised by a sovereign to privileged military status after training as a page and squire.缩写 Knt,kt.骑士:中世纪的绅士士兵,通常出身高贵,在作为骑士的听差或扈从训练后被君主授予特权的军事地位美国传统〔lawyer〕Solicitors for the squire handled the sale of his extensive lands.这位乡绅出售大片土地的事宜由他的律师处理。美国传统〔paternalist〕The whole place was the romantic vision of the paternalist local squire.整个地方都是这位家长作风的地方乡绅浪漫的空想。外研社新世纪〔paternalist〕The whole place was the romantic vision of the paternalist local squire.这整个地方就是那位家长式乡绅的浪漫想象。柯林斯高阶〔squire〕Hard luck, squire.运气真差,先生。柯林斯高阶〔squire〕I squired her home after the ball.舞会后,我把她送回了家。21世纪英汉〔squire〕I was squired going out of the border.我被护送出了国境线。21世纪英汉〔squire〕Skinner uses the plane to squire around bureaucrats.斯金纳用飞机接送官员。剑桥高阶〔squire〕Sorry, squire.对不起,先生。麦克米伦高阶〔squire〕The barber squired me over to the washbasin.理发师把我领到洗发盆那儿。英汉大词典He was born in 1798, the bastard son of a country squire and his mistress.他生于1798年,是个乡绅和他情妇的私生子。剑桥国际Her entourage consisted of several squires and maids. 她的随行人由几个护卫和侍女构成。译典通On Christmas Eve, the squire would give a party for all the people who worked on his estate.在圣诞夜,大地主会给他庄园的所有工作人员举办个晚会。剑桥国际The assistance of a squire was much needed in this case. 这个案子很需要律师的协助。译典通The servant squired the lady to the door. 仆人将女士护送到门口。译典通There was no real squire in the village. 这个村子没有真正的大地主。译典通When a boy first began his training to become a knight, his title was squire. 开始接受骑士训练的男孩的头衔是扈从。译典通

