
单词 spaced
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Peg-Board〕A trademark used for a type of hardboard with rows of regularly spaced holes into which hooks may be inserted for storing or displaying objects.配挂板,木栓板:一种有多行成规则间隔排列且可插入挂钩用以放置或展示物品的孔的硬质纤维板的商标名美国传统〔REGULAR/REGULARLY〕Our tents are evenly spaced over a large area to give you maximum privacy. 我们的帐篷在一大片地区内均匀分布着,以给人最大的私密性。朗文写作活用〔REGULAR/REGULARLY〕The word processor will arrange your text in evenly spaced columns. 文字处理器会把你的文本排成间距相等的栏。朗文写作活用〔band〕A range of very closely spaced electron energy levels in solids, the distribution and nature of which determine the electrical properties of a material.能带:固体中间隔很近的电子能级范围,其分布和特点决定该材料的性质美国传统〔billet〕One of a series of regularly spaced, log-shaped segments used horizontally as ornamentation in the moldings of Norman architecture.错齿饰:一系列整齐隔开的圆木段之一,在诺曼底建筑装饰平条上用作水平方向的装饰物美国传统〔correspond〕These metal loops should be spaced to correspond with the curtain hooks.这些金属环应该留出和窗帘钩相匹配的空间。麦克米伦高阶〔equally〕Try to get into the habit of eating at least three small meals a day, at equally spaced intervals.尽量养成每天至少吃3顿小餐的习惯,而且每餐的间隔要相同。柯林斯高阶〔evenly〕The plants should be evenly spaced.植物间隔应该均匀。外研社新世纪〔evenly〕The posts were evenly spaced, about 20 metres apart.柱子间距均匀,相隔约为20米远。麦克米伦高阶〔intercolumniation〕The system by which the columns in a colonnade are spaced.分柱法:将柱廊中的立柱分开的方法美国传统〔interval〕The plants should be spaced at six-inch intervals.这些植物应该以六英尺的间隔栽种。剑桥高阶〔mat〕The houses are well spaced out, each on its own plot of ground and mat of coarse grass.房屋稀稀疏疏地坐落着,每栋都有自己的一片地和粗草坪。柯林斯高阶〔open〕Widely spaced or leaded. Used of typeset or other printed matter.有空格的,有间隔的:行距宽的,用于打字或打印美国传统〔pitchfork〕A large, long-handled fork with sharp, widely spaced prongs for lifting and pitching hay.干草叉:一种大有长柄的叉子,叉头坚而宽用以举或叉干草美国传统〔regularly〕The competitors set off at regularly spaced intervals.竞赛者每隔相同的时间出发。剑桥高阶〔regularly〕The council planted trees along the streets at regularly spaced intervals.委员会成员沿着街道按固定的间距植树。麦克米伦高阶〔regularly〕The plants are regularly spaced.这些植株间距均匀。朗文当代〔regularly〕The plants were spaced regularly, about 50 cm apart.这些植株分布均匀,间距大约为 50 厘米。牛津高阶〔runner〕A slender, creeping stem that puts forth roots from nodes spaced at intervals along its length.长匐茎,纤匐枝:在分布其上的瘤子上长出根的细匍匐茎美国传统〔scatter〕To occur or fall at widely spaced intervals.零落出现:间隔很大地出现或降落美国传统〔smocking〕Needlework decoration of small, regularly spaced gathers stitched into a honeycomb pattern.正面刺锈迹:规律性出现于某地方的小褶裥上的织成蜜蜂巢状的刺绣饰品美国传统〔space out〕I spaced out for a minute and didn't hear what she said.我愣了一会儿,没听到她在说什么。韦氏高阶〔space out〕I spaced out halfway through the lecture.讲座中途我走神了。韦氏高阶〔spaced out〕He looked like he was spaced out on drugs.看起来他已经被毒品弄得神志不清了。韦氏高阶〔spaced out〕I began to feel spaced out, as though dulled by drugs.我开始感到恍惚, 就好像被毒品麻痹了一样。外研社新世纪〔spaced out〕I hadn't slept for two days and was completely spaced out.我两天没有睡觉了,完全是昏昏沉沉的。剑桥高阶〔spaced out〕I was tired and feeling pretty spaced out.我累了,感觉昏昏沉沉的。韦氏高阶〔spaced out〕She had a spaced out look on her face.她脸上有一种迷离的表情。韦氏高阶〔spaced〕He was too spaced on drugs to know what he was doing.毒品把他弄得精神恍惚,他都不知道自己在做什么了。韦氏高阶〔spaced〕The measurements were recorded at equally spaced intervals.每隔一定的时间就记录一次测量结果。麦克米伦高阶〔space〕Bean plants should be spaced three inches apart.大豆植株之间要间隔3英寸。麦克米伦高阶〔space〕For security, use three evenly spaced bolts per post.为了安全起见,每根杆子上要均匀地使用三个螺栓。朗文当代〔space〕His voice was angry and he spaced the words for emphasis.他一字一顿地说话以示强调, 话音里带着怒气。外研社新世纪〔space〕His voice was angry and he spaced the words for emphasis.他的声音里透着愤怒,为了强调,他一字一顿。柯林斯高阶〔space〕I completely spaced out during the lecture.我听讲座时完全处于精神恍惚的状态。朗文当代〔space〕I was supposed to meet her, but I spaced out and forgot.我本应该和她见面的,但我昏昏沉沉地以致把事给忘了美国传统〔space〕Letters might be spaced to two or three days.每隔两三天会有信来。英汉大词典〔space〕Make sure the posts are spaced evenly apart.确保各哨岗之间距离相等。牛津搭配〔space〕That page looks badly spaced (= there is too much/too little distance between the lines or words).那一页版面排得很不均匀。剑桥高阶〔space〕The RAC is calling for rest areas spaced at regular intervals on major roads.皇家汽车俱乐部呼吁:交通主干道上的休息区应均匀分布。柯林斯高阶〔space〕The flowers were spaced (out) evenly (= planted at equal distances) beside the path.小路两旁花团簇生,间隔均匀。剑桥高阶〔space〕The fruits should be well spaced out so that they are not touching each other.水果应该放得开一些,这样就不会相互碰撞了。牛津搭配〔space〕The houses are spaced out in this area of town.在城市的这一地区,房屋坐落稀疏。牛津高阶〔space〕The nails should be spaced at regular intervals.钉子应均匀间隔开。牛津搭配〔space〕The sitting room was spaced by a screen.起居室用一面屏风分成了两小间。21世纪英汉〔space〕They spaced out the births of their three children.他们的三个孩子都是相隔几年出生的。韦氏高阶〔space〕They spaced out the trees five metres apart.他们使树与树之间相距5米。英汉大词典〔space〕They spaced the births of their three children two years apart.他们的三个孩子都是相隔两年出生的。韦氏高阶〔space〕They will have time to draw breath between matches, with their last four fixtures spaced out over three weeks.由于最后的 4 场比赛间隔分布在 3 个星期里,因此他们有时间在比赛的间隙稍作休息。柯林斯高阶〔stitch〕Keep the stitches evenly spaced.保持针脚间隔均匀。外研社新世纪〔unleaded〕Printing Not spaced or separated with lead, as lines of type.【印刷术】 (如铅字的行间)没有用铅字隔开或分开的美国传统〔walk〕An arrangement of trees or shrubs planted in widely spaced rows.植树的行列:种植在一宽阔的草坪上的一排排的树或灌木美国传统He looks totally spaced out.他似乎沉迷在毒品的快感之中。剑桥国际She was usually spaced out on drugs.她经常沉迷于毒品之中。剑桥国际That page looks badly spaced (= there is too much/too little distance between the lines or words).那一页的排列看上去很不匀。剑桥国际The chairs were irregularly spaced round the room.椅子被间隔不等地在房间四周摆着。剑桥国际The competitors set off at regularly spaced intervals.比赛者按一定的间隔出发。剑桥国际The flowers were spaced (out) evenly (= planted at equal distances) beside the path.路旁的花间隔有序。剑桥国际The lampposts are spaced out ten feet apart. 路灯柱与路灯柱之间相距十英尺。译典通They've spaced (out) their family well--they have children aged 2,4,6 and 8.他们家庭成员年龄间隔得很好----他们的孩子分别为2、4、6、8岁。剑桥国际

