
单词 掉落
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FALL〕A bag of groceries fell off the table onto the floor. 一袋食品杂货从桌子上掉落到地上。朗文写作活用〔FALL〕A few pine cones had already dropped to the ground. 一些松球已掉落地上。朗文写作活用〔NOTICE/NOT NOTICE〕I dropped my keys in the grass, but luckily Jim spotted them. 我把钥匙掉落在草地上,幸好吉姆发现了。朗文写作活用〔QUIET〕After he finished telling the story you could have heard a pin drop. 他讲完故事后,四周安静得可以听到针掉落地上的声音。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕Several letters plopped onto the doormat. 有几封信啪啪地掉落在擦鞋垫上。朗文写作活用〔arch〕The premature loss of primary teeth causes shrinking of the dental arch.乳牙提前掉落会引起牙弓萎缩。 剑桥高阶〔camouflage〕They camouflaged their truck with fallen pine branches.他们用掉落的松树枝给卡车作伪装。牛津搭配〔come down〕One of the tree's branches came down during the storm.一根树枝在暴风雨中掉落下来。韦氏高阶〔disorder〕Inside all was disorder: drawers fallen out, shoes and boots scattered.屋内凌乱不堪:抽屉都掉落出来,鞋靴东一只西一只满地都是。柯林斯高阶〔disorder〕Inside all was disorder: drawers fallen out, shoes and boots scattered.里面一片狼藉:抽屉都掉落出来, 鞋靴散落了一地。外研社新世纪〔dodge〕She dodged the falling rock and escaped unhurt.她闪避了那块掉落的石头,安然无恙。21世纪英汉〔drop〕She took off her jacket and let it drop to the floor.她脱去夹克衫,任其掉落在地板上。麦克米伦高阶〔drop〕The cheese drops onto a conveyor underneath.奶酪掉落到下面的传送带上。牛津搭配〔drop〕The photograph has dropped behind the piano.照片已掉落在钢琴的后面。英汉大词典〔fall out of〕The pen fell out of his fingers.钢笔从他手中掉落了下来。21世纪英汉〔fall out〕Her baby teeth are starting to fall out.她婴孩的乳牙开始掉落了。剑桥高阶〔fall〕It was October and the leaves had started to fall.十月了,树叶开始掉落剑桥高阶〔fall〕Luckily a bush broke his fall.幸运的是,他掉落时有灌木挡了一下。牛津搭配〔free〕Toolbelts free both hands and lessen the risk of dropping hammers.工具腰带解放了双手, 还减少了锤子掉落的风险。外研社新世纪〔free〕Toolbelts free both hands and lessen the risk of dropping hammers.工具腰带解放了双手,还减少了锤子掉落的风险。柯林斯高阶〔glance〕The arrow glanced the tree and fell to the ground.箭擦过树, 掉落在地上。外研社新世纪〔ground〕An apple fell to the ground.苹果掉落在地上。韦氏高阶〔haste〕In their haste to escape the rising water, they dropped some expensive equipment.他们急着躲避上涨的水, 结果掉落了一些昂贵的设备。外研社新世纪〔header〕Informal A headlong dive or fall.【非正式用语】 头朝下跳水或掉落美国传统〔height〕The stone was dropped from a great height.那块石头是从很高的地方掉落下来的。牛津高阶〔knothole〕A hole in a piece of lumber where a knot has dropped out or been removed.(木板等的)节孔:木板上节瘤掉落或被取掉而成的空洞美国传统〔land〕A large branch landed on the hood of my car.一根巨大的树枝掉落到我汽车的引擎盖上。朗文当代〔land〕The golf ball landed in the trees.高尔夫球掉落到了树丛里。韦氏高阶〔let〕Jenny let the note fall to the ground.珍妮任由字条掉落到地上。朗文当代〔load〕A lorry has shed its load on the A77 near Ballantrae.一辆卡车在巴伦特雷附近的 A77 号公路上掉落了货物。牛津搭配〔load〕A lorry shed its load(= accidentally dropped its load)on the motorway.一辆卡车意外地把运载的货物掉落在高速公路上。牛津高阶〔loud〕The book fell to the floor with a loud bang.书砰的一声掉落到地上。朗文当代〔marcescent〕Withering but not falling off, as a blossom that persists on a twig after flowering.凋存的:凋谢但未掉落的,比如花在开完以后仍留在树枝上美国传统〔mask〕The gunman, whose mask had slipped, fled.面罩掉落的持枪歹徒逃之夭夭了。柯林斯高阶〔overboard〕He fell overboard and drowned.他从船上掉落(水中)而淹死。文馨英汉〔oxygen mask〕Throughout the plane oxygen masks dropped from plastic compartments.整个机舱内, 氧气面罩纷纷从塑料存放盒中掉落外研社新世纪〔screw〕Give it another screw to make sure the lid doesn't come off while we're travelling.把盖子再拧紧一圈,确保我们在路上时盖子不会掉落剑桥高阶〔sew〕I sewed the button back on the shirt.我把掉落的衬衫纽扣缝好了。韦氏高阶〔shed〕A lorry shed its load.货车掉落了货物。牛津同义词〔shed〕All the leaves have shed.所有的叶子都掉落美国传统〔shed〕Something that has been shed.脱落之物:某些已掉落的东西美国传统〔shed〕The lorry shed its load.卡车上的货物掉落了。韦氏高阶〔shed〕The road was closed after a lorry shed its load.在一辆卡车意外掉落货物之后,道路被封闭了。麦克米伦高阶〔shower〕The top shelf broke and books showered down.顶层架子断裂了,书纷纷掉落下来。朗文当代〔spark〕One thrown off from a burning substance.火星:从正在燃烧的物质上掉落下来的火星美国传统〔spray〕The bullet slammed into the ceiling, spraying them with bits of plaster.子弹猛地射进了天花板, 掉落的石膏碎片散了他们一身。外研社新世纪〔spray〕The bullet slammed into the ceiling, spraying them with bits of plaster.子弹砰地射进了天花板,掉落的石膏碎片落了他们一身。柯林斯高阶〔start〕The leaves have started falling off the trees.叶子开始从树上掉落了。麦克米伦高阶〔stick out〕They lay where they had fallen from the crane, sticking out of the water.从起重机上掉落之后, 它们还在原地, 一部分露出水面。外研社新世纪〔stink out〕A dark snow of fag-ash stank the place out.掉落的黑烟灰使这个地方充满了难闻的气味。外研社新世纪〔strike〕She died when a falling rock struck her head.一块掉落的岩石砸中了她的头, 把她砸死了。外研社新世纪〔strip〕To fall away or be removed; peel.剥除:掉落或移开;剥落美国传统〔teeter〕He watched the cup teeter on the edge before it fell.他看着杯子掉落之前在边上摇摇晃晃。外研社新世纪〔teeter〕He watched the cup teeter on the edge before it fell.他眼看着茶杯在边上摇摇欲坠,然后掉落柯林斯高阶〔their〕The trees shed their leaves.树木的叶子掉落了。外研社新世纪〔tooth fairy〕A fairy supposed to leave money under a child's pillow in place of a baby tooth that has just fallen out.据说会在儿童掉落在枕边的幼齿旁放上钱财的仙女美国传统〔unstuck〕The packing tape on the box came unstuck and some of the contents fell out.包裹上的胶带开了,一些东西掉落出来。剑桥高阶〔warning〕The branch fell without the slightest warning.树枝掉落,事先人们一无觉察。英汉大词典〔wire〕A telephone wire had fallen on the road during the storm.暴风雨中一根电话线掉落到了路上。韦氏高阶〔wither〕The leaves withered and fell.那些枝子枯萎而掉落文馨英汉A great rock had fallen onto the road.一块巨大的岩石掉落在路上。剑桥国际After the sky cleared up, the snow on the trees whooshed to the ground. 天晴了之后,树上的雪就发出嘶嘶声掉落到地上。译典通An old masonry wall collapsed, sending a large amount of debris crashing down onto the courtyard.一垛老式的砖墙轰然倒塌,许多碎片随之掉落到了院子里。剑桥国际Debris from the explosion rained down the slope.爆炸残片如雨般掉落斜坡。剑桥国际I dropped the vase and it broke into pieces.我把花瓶掉落了摔成了碎片。剑桥国际I'm all fingers and thumbs today. That's the third plate I've dropped this morning.今天我真笨手笨脚。那已经是我今天早上失手掉落的第三只盘子了。剑桥国际She dropped her bag in the melee of people trying to get tickets.在抢着购票的混乱人群中,她掉落了她的包。剑桥国际She dropped the bulky package twice. 她两次将那个笨重的包裹掉落下来。译典通She ran after me to hand me some papers I'd dropped.她为了把我掉落的文件交还给我,追了上来。剑桥国际The pipes froze because the cladding had fallen off.水管冻住了,因为包层掉落了。剑桥国际The trees in the orchard cast their blossoms after the storm. 暴风雨后果园里树上的花掉落了。译典通

