
单词 撑到
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔END〕She remained loyal to her unfaithful husband right to the bitter end. 她苦撑到底,坚持忠于她那个不忠的丈夫。朗文写作活用〔brazen〕She knew she could either admit the truth or brazen it out.她心里明白,她要么承认事实,要么厚着脸皮撑到底。朗文当代〔full〕Her stomach felt full up to the top of her throat.她胃里的东西已经撑到嗓子眼了。外研社新世纪〔game〕Some thought they would hold out until Sunday. The realists knew that the game was already up.有些人以为他们还能撑到星期天,务实的人却很清楚,这一切都已结束了。柯林斯高阶〔gill〕I was stuffed to the gills with chocolate cake.我吃巧克力蛋糕都撑到嗓子眼儿了。牛津高阶〔hobble〕Some of the runners could only manage to hobble over the finishing line.有些赛跑者只是勉强蹒跚着支撑到终点。剑桥高阶〔journey〕They doubted that he would survive the journey to the nearest hospital.他们不知道他能否撑到最近的医院。牛津搭配〔keep ... up〕The lifeboat kept him up till the rescue crew came.救生艇一直把他支撑到救援队到来。21世纪英汉〔keep〕I'll have a biscuit to keep me going until dinner time.我要吃一块饼干来帮我支撑到正餐时间。朗文当代〔last out〕I'm not convinced his stamina will last out in such a fierce contest.我无法相信他的耐力能在这么激烈的比赛中撑到最后。外研社新世纪〔last〕Can you last (out) until I can get help? 你能支撑到有人来帮我吗?牛津高阶〔many〕Many's the time we've had to borrow money in order to get through the month.有许多次我们不得不借钱以撑到月底。朗文当代〔sit sth out〕The company's management is prepared to sit out the strike rather than agree to union demands.公司管理层准备硬撑到罢工结束,而不会同意工会的要求。剑桥高阶〔stretch〕I'm going to have to stretch this $20 until payday.我得要省着点用,靠这 20 美元撑到发工资那天。朗文当代〔stretch〕Many families' budgets are already stretched to breaking point.许多家庭的预算已经撑到了极限。剑桥高阶〔sustain〕A cup of coffee isn't enough to sustain you until lunchtime.一杯咖啡不足以让你支撑到午餐时间。麦克米伦高阶〔tide ... over〕We have enough food to tide ourselves over the weekend.我们的食物够我们支撑到周末。21世纪英汉〔tide over〕He had a snack to tide himself over until dinner.他吃了点儿点心垫一垫,以撑到晚餐。韦氏高阶〔tide sb over (sth)〕Can you lend me some money to tide me over till the weekend? 你能借我些钱帮我撑到周末吗?剑桥高阶〔tide〕The fifty dollars tided him over until payday.他靠50块钱支撑到发薪日。英汉大词典〔to the gills〕By the time the fourth course was served, I was stuffed to the gills.第四道菜上来的时候,我都撑到嗓子眼了。剑桥高阶〔tough〕You're just going to have to tough it out.你只好硬着头皮撑到底了。牛津高阶Many families’budgets are already stretched to breaking point and these tax rises will make their situation worse.许多家庭预算早就撑到了极限,而这些税收增加则会使他们的情况更糟。剑桥国际

