
单词 个人的利益
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔calculation〕Careful, often cunning estimation and planning of likely outcomes, especially to advance one's own interests.深思熟虑:认真的、常是机敏的对可能结果的估计和计划,特指为提高个人的利益美国传统〔emissary〕An agent sent on a mission to represent or advance the interests of another.使者:被派去代表另一个人的利益完成某使命的人美国传统〔individualism〕The doctrine that the interests of the individual should take precedence over the interests of the state or social group.个人利益至上主义:认为个人的利益高于国家或集体利益的信念美国传统〔integrity〕We all have an interest in maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem.维护生态体系的完整关乎我们每个人的利益牛津搭配〔self-sacrifice〕Sacrifice of one's personal interests or well-being for the sake of others or for a cause.自我牺牲:为了别人或某项事业的利益而牺牲个人的利益或幸福美国传统The national interest is more important than the sectional and personal interests of individual politicians.国家利益重于个别政治家的局部的、个人的利益剑桥国际

