
单词 吸毒问题
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕The college will provide counselling for students who have problems with alcohol or drugs. 学校将为有酗酒或吸毒问题的学生提供辅导。朗文写作活用〔CRIME〕Delinquency and drug addiction are more common in areas of high unemployment. 违法行为和吸毒问题在失业率高的地区更为普遍。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕We are determined to fight drug abuse in schools. 我们决心对抗校园内的吸毒问题朗文写作活用〔change〕A change in personality may mean your teenager has a drug problem.十几岁的孩子如果性格上发生了变化可能意味着有吸毒问题朗文当代〔interfere〕Drug problems frequently interfered with his work.吸毒问题频频干扰他的工作。外研社新世纪〔interfere〕Drug problems frequently interfered with his work.吸毒问题频频干扰他的工作。柯林斯高阶〔nowhere〕Nowhere is drug abuse more of a problem than in the US.没有什么地方吸毒问题比美国更严重。朗文当代〔seriousness〕My parents never really faced up to my drug use in any serious way.我父母从未认真地正视过我的吸毒问题柯林斯高阶〔shape〕He finally faced up to his drug problem when his band told him to shape up or ship out.乐队警告他要么好好干,要么走人,这使他终于正视自己的吸毒问题牛津高阶〔substance abuse〕We're detecting more depression and substance abuse in younger populations.我们发现年轻人中抑郁和酗酒吸毒问题日益严重。麦克米伦高阶〔talk〕Parents should talk with their children about drug abuse.父母应该和他们的孩子讨论吸毒问题朗文当代The school is now providing a service to counsel students with drug problems.学校向有吸毒问题的学生提供咨询服务。剑桥国际

